All that Glitters...May be Silver? Sanitisers Give New Value to Metal Amid Eager Attempts to Halt Covid-19
All that Glitters...May be Silver? Sanitisers Give New Value to Metal Amid Eager Attempts to Halt Covid-19
As silver has been proven to make bacteria, germs, and viruses inactive, its use as a disinfectant in the ubiquitous sanitiser is now being considered.

Taking cue from a body of research that suggests that silver is anti-microbial, a number of brands have started manufacturing sanitisers using silver nanoparticles.

Alcohol is a key ingredients in sanitisers and disinfectants, which have become a staple during the pandemic. As silver has been proven to make bacteria, germs, and viruses inactive, its use as a disinfectant in the ubiquitous sanitiser is now being considered.

Brands such as GermiGo, Zuii and Klenza have jumped on the bandwagon to take the essential product a notch up during the Covid-19 pandemic, Moneycontrol reported.

GermiGo, an Indian brand, has so far sold 7 to 8 lakh litres of sanitiser and disinfectant. It sells a 200 ml bottle for Rs 100 and 250 ml of surface disinfectant for Rs 354.

The report quoted GermiGo Director Riiseushang Shah explaining that Hydrogen peroxide disrupts the lipid bilateral membrane of the pathogen. The Act-ion silver in the sanitiser enters the bacterial cell and deactivates the metabolism of the pathogens. Therefore, cellular respiration is inhibited, metabolic pathways disrputed, and virus DNA and RNA are deactivated.

This ends the replication cycle of the virus, and is effective against most viruses - from the Corona family, H1N1 to Tuberculosis, Shah was quoted as saying by Moneycontrol.

Silver is already used in small amounts to coat medical equipment to prevent the spread of pathogens. It is also used in surgical equipment and ointments to protect wounds from infection.

Silver sulfadiazine is administered to burn victims as it kills bacteria, thereby allowing the skin to regrow.

In India, silver utensils have traditionally been used for cooking and eating.

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