The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) has released the admit card for the Joint Entrance for Lateral Entry (JELET) exam 2024. Applicants, who have registered for the B.E., B.Tech, and B.Pharm courses’ entrance test, can download their hall passes through the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in,.
“Downloadable admit card is available on Board’s websites: www.wbjeeb.nic.in and www.wbjeeb.in on and from 21.06.2024 to 29.06.2024 (up to 12.00 noon),” read the official notice from WBJEEB. Candidates will require their application number and birthdate to download their admit card.
WBJEEB JELET 2024: How to Download Admit Card?
Step 1: Go to wbjeeb.nic, the official website of WBJEE JELET.
Step 2: Select the link ‘Download Admit Card For JELET 2024.’
Step 3: Enter your JELET application number and birthdate on the login screen.
Step 4:Click on ‘Sign In’, your admit card will be shown on your screen.
Step 5:Print a copy of the admit card for examination purposes.
In addition to the candidate’s name, photo, and signature, the JELET 2024 admit card will also include the roll number, application number, exam date, time, exam centre information, and crucial instructions for the day of the exam. Candidates are required to check the details carefully for any mistakes and inform the board of any rectification through official channels. The admit card and any original government identification, such as a voter ID, PAN card, driver’s licence, Aadhar card, etc., should be carried by the candidate for entry into the exam centre.
WBJEE JELET 2024: Exam Pattern
This year, the WBJEE JELET 2024 exam will be held on June 29 from 11 AM to 1 PM. There will be a total of 100 questions divided into two sections. The Category 1 section will feature 80 questions and there will be 20 questions in the Category 2 section.
For Category 1, candidates will receive one mark for each right response, and each wrong response will result in a 0.25-point negative marking. For every correct answer in the Category 2, two marks will be given to the candidates.
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Board administers the JELET 2024 exam to admit students to the second year of undergraduate engineering, technology, and pharmacy studies. This covers the state’s self-financing engineering and technology institutes, government colleges, and many universities for the 2024–2025 academic year.
Stay ahead with all the exam results updates on News18 Website.
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