FIFA scandal: Q&A with CNN-IBN Sports Editor Digvijay Singh Deo at 4 PM
FIFA scandal: Q&A with CNN-IBN Sports Editor Digvijay Singh Deo at 4 PM
Nine soccer officials and five sports media and promotions executives were charged by US prosecutors with corruption they said involved more than $150 million in bribes.

The corruption charges engulfing world soccer's governing body have heaped shame and humiliation on the game, FIFA President Sepp Blatter said on Thursday, although he flatly rejected calls to resign over the widening scandal. Nine soccer officials and five sports media and promotions executives were charged by US prosecutors with corruption they said involved more than $150 million in bribes. Swiss authorities have also announced a criminal investigation into the awarding of the next two World Cup tournaments, which are being hosted in Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022.

The footballing world has turned on its head after nine high-ranking FIFA officials and five sports marketing executives were indicted on federal corruption charges in the USA on Wednesday. Money laundering and bribery are among the charges against them all. CNN-IBN Sports Editor Digvijay Singh Deo will answer questions on the scandal at 4 PM. Send in your queries on our Facebook page.

The footballing world has turned on its head after nine high-ranking FIFA officials and five sports marketing executives...Posted by on Thursday, May 28, 2015

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