Ananya Panday's Handstand Sets Fitness Goals High; Discover The Health Benefits
Ananya Panday's Handstand Sets Fitness Goals High; Discover The Health Benefits
Regular handstand practice can help protect against depression and enhance immunity, which is why it is a great practice to indulge in

Ananya Panday has been a dedicated yoga enthusiast, much like other leading actors in the industry. She frequently shares her fitness journey on social media, aiming to inspire her fans to prioritise their well-being. Ananya has ventured into various forms of yoga, including aerial yoga, and has successfully mastered challenging asanas. Recently, she impressed her followers by flawlessly performing a handstand, also known as Adho Mukha Vrksasana.

Celebrity yoga trainer Anshuka Parwani on Instagram shared the video of her accomplishment-

A post shared by ANSHUKA YOGA (@anshukayoga)

The actress skillfully performed the handstand, by balancing her entire body on the palms of her hands. Maintaining a straight posture with a neutral spine, she extended her hips and kept her forearms perpendicular to the ground.

If you’re considering incorporating this pose into your daily routine, here are several benefits of the handstand-

  1. Bone Health: Handstands, being weight-bearing exercises, strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. They benefit the spine, shoulders, arms, and wrists in terms of bone health. Moreover, the inverted position of a handstand enhances circulation in the upper body, relieves pressure on the lower extremities, and stretches the diaphragm, promoting increased blood flow to the lungs.
  2. Improving Balance:Handstands demand both strength and balancing skills, requiring control over muscles and continuous adjustments to maintain stability. Freestanding handstands and wall-assisted handstands with gradual detachment from the wall are effective for improving balance like no other exercise.
  3. Happy mood:These not only enhance strength and balance but also contribute to a happier mood. The increased blood flow to the brain during handstands provides an energizing and calming effect, particularly during periods of high stress. Additionally, handstands reduce cortisol production, the stress hormone, providing short-term stress relief and potentially alleviating feelings of sadness and anxiety.
  4. Building Core-strength:It offers a fun way to build core strength without solely focusing on abdominal exercises. By maintaining stability while upside down, you engage not only your abs but also important muscle groups like hip flexors, hamstrings, inner thigh muscles, obliques, and lower back. Consistent handstand training leads to a well-rounded and strong core.
  5. Strong Upper body:Exercises, including handstands, have therapeutic effects on the body, particularly the brain. They stimulate the release of endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that improve mood and happiness. Handstands increase blood flow to the brain through gravity and boost heart output, benefiting muscle needs.

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