11 Ways to Get Rid of Peeling Skin
11 Ways to Get Rid of Peeling Skin
Peeling skin isn’t anyone’s favorite affliction, but fortunately, you can usually treat it yourself at home. Whether you’re dealing with a nasty sunburn or a reaction to medication, using the right products and treating your skin gently will help it heal in no time. In this article, we’ll tell you how to heal your peeling skin fast so you can get back to life as usual.

Apply moisturizing cream.

Hydrate your skin to help repair it fast. Look for a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizing cream or ointment, and apply it multiple times per day. The more you can moisturize your skin, the faster it will heal.

Use aloe vera gel if you have a sunburn.

Aloe vera helps soothe and moisturize sunburned skin. If you know your peeling skin is from a sunburn, grab some 100% aloe vera gel and apply a liberal amount to your skin once a day. Keep applying every day to keep your skin hydrated and healing. Aloe vera is also cooling, so it can help alleviate any irritation you’re feeling from your sunburn. Avoid using thick ointments, like petroleum jelly, if you have a sunburn. Thick ointments don’t let your skin breathe, and they can make burns hurt worse.

Let your skin peel on its own.

Try not to pick or peel your skin yourself, since that can cause infections. As tempting as it might be to peel off the skin and speed up the process, peeling your skin can rip or tear your healthy skin, leaving room for infection and scarring. Let your skin peel by itself to avoid any adverse effects. If your skin gets more swollen or starts leaking pus, that’s a sign of infection. Talk to your doctor right away if you have any concerns.

Take a pain reliever.

Pain relievers help reduce pain and inflammation. If you’re treating a sunburn, a pain reliever will help reduce itchiness and discomfort. Try a medicine like ibuprofen or aspirin that you can pick up over-the-counter at any drug store. Pain relievers also help reduce any redness around your peeling skin. Never give aspirin to a child unless specifically told to by a doctor. Aspirin can cause Reye’s syndrome in children, which can be fatal.

Cool your skin with a cold compress.

If your skin is warm, use a cool washcloth to cool it down. When your skin is peeling from a sunburn, you might feel slightly warm or uncomfortable. If that’s the case, run a washcloth under cool water and then wring it out. Hold the washcloth against your skin for 20 minutes or so, or until the washcloth warms up.

Drink water throughout the day.

Hydrate your body from the inside out by drinking lots of water. Peeling skin is naturally very dry, which means your body needs more hydration. Aim to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day as your skin heals to help your body along. Don’t love the taste of plain water? Try a flavored seltzer or sparkling water. Or, grab a sports drink to get electrolytes while staying hydrated.

Use a humidifier.

Put moisture into the air to help hydrate your skin. The air around you can be very drying. If you live in a dry area, try putting a humidifier in your home wherever you spend the most time. Be sure to clean your humidifier regularly to keep it in great shape.

Shower every other day, not every day.

Showering is very drying for your skin, so try to limit your wash days. When you do take a shower, go for lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water strips your skin of oils and moisture, whereas warm water won’t. When you get out of the shower, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it. Rubbing your skin with a towel can irritate your peeling skin even more. After you dry off, moisturize your skin. You can lock in the water from your shower for deep hydration.

Protect your skin from the sun.

The sun will dry out your skin more, leading to extra peeling. If you’re heading outside, cover up your peeling skin with clothing or a hat. Always put on sunscreen for extra protection from UV rays, especially on your face. Aim to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours to prevent further peeling and sunburn. When your skin is peeling from a sunburn, it’s extra important to protect yourself from the sun. UV rays can make a sunburn much worse, especially if your skin hasn’t fully healed yet.

Exfoliate gently if you don’t have a sunburn.

Exfoliating can get rid of dead skin to speed up the healing process. If your peeling skin is not from a sunburn (meaning it’s from eczema or another underlying health condition), rub an exfoliant on it gently while you’re in the shower. Use an exfoliant once a week to help your skin heal faster. Using an exfoliant on a sunburn can make the burn worse and actually extend the healing process.

Treat any underlying medical conditions.

Peeling skin is sometimes caused by a medical condition. If you aren’t sure why your skin is peeling or you’ve tried home remedies and they aren’t working, make an appointment with your doctor. They can look at your skin to help determine what’s going on and what the right treatment method is for you. Other reasons for peeling skin besides a sunburn can include: Allergic reactions Athlete’s foot Infections Immune system disorders Cancer or cancer treatment Genetic disease

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