How to Accept Islam
How to Accept Islam
Before accepting Islam, first learn about the faith and how it is practiced. Look into your heart and examine your beliefs. Don't be afraid to ask hard questions: you will learn from confronting any doubts you may have. Whether you are ready to become a Muslim or merely open to learning more about Islam, it will help to educate yourself on Islamic scriptures, visit mosques, and speak to Muslim people.

Converting to Islam

Speak with an Imam. An Imam is a Muslim religious scholar. They lead prayers in mosques and they will have studied the Quran in great depth. You can talk to them about accepting Islam, and ask any questions you have about becoming a Muslim. They can be found at a mosque in your neighborhood or you could ask a Muslim friend to introduce you to their Imam. Ask about any aspect of Islam that you are curious or doubtful about. If you are interested, ask to be referred to Muslim people with whom you have other things in common. You might benefit from speaking to Muslims of your age, gender, or cultural background.

Question your faith. If your research and your conversations have made you confident that you understand what it means to be Muslim, you may be ready to recite the Shahada and officially become one. However, you must first be certain that you believe in Allah and the word of the Quran. Spend time alone with the question until you have a strong feeling of certainty: Ask yourself: Do I believe there is no God but Allah? Do I believe in the angels? Do I believe in the holy books? Do I believe in the prophets? Do I believe in the Day of Judgement and the reality of heaven and hell? Do I believe in pre-destination? Also ask yourself, am I prepared to fully submit to Allah, to obey His laws (the Shariah) and to dedicate my life to His worship in preparation for the next life? Am I prepared to strive to give up things that are forbidden by the Shariah, such as drinking alcohol, backbiting, free-mixing with the opposite gender and all sexual activity outside marriage? Pray, asking Allah in your own words to answer any questions you are left with and to remove any doubts you may have. Take a long walk and contemplate the decision you are about to make - accepting Islam is a huge commitment from which there is no turning back. If you feel certain that you believe in the six main beliefs of Islam, then make your testimony of faith (Shahada) as soon as you can. If you delay and something tragic happens to you, then you would face the same fate as all non-believers. If you are left with doubts, do further research and by all means explore other approaches to spirituality, but heed the warnings in the Quran to those who reject Islam or disobey Allah. You may find yourself moved to make Shahada later.

Clean yourself. Ghusl is a ritual purification Muslims undergo when taking Shahada. To perform Ghusl, take a shower or use any source of fresh water. Wash your genitals first, then your whole body. The exact way you perform Ghusl will depend on whether you are following Sunni or a Shia tradition, so consult with the Imam you have been in touch with. There are different schools of thought as to when a new convert must perform Ghusl. Some believe it should happen before you recite the Shahada, others say after. Some say it doesn't matter, while others say it is only necessary if you are in a state of impurity from sexual activity. To determine what is correct in your case, talk to your Imam.

Recite the Shahada. To become a Muslim, you must make the testimony of faith. Once you have said the Shahada you are committed to Islam for life. You may say the Shahada alone, as it is a testimony to Allah who sees all things. However, to be recognized by other Muslims, it is wise to say it in front of witnesses, preferably including an Imam from the mosque you wish to join. The words of the Shahada are "La ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulullah," which means "There is no true god but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet." In this way, you pledge yourself to serve Allah and to follow the teachings of the Quran for life. You are pledging to worship the Creator, and not His creation. Neither other faiths nor worship of earthly things must interfere with your love of Allah. You must fully understand the Shahada and mean it sincerely in order for it to be binding. It must be your own free choice to take the Shahada, not made under any coercion or compulsion. Pronounce the words correctly. You may choose to repeat after another Muslim, or you may find a recording. here. If you have children that have not yet reached puberty, then they will automatically become Muslims if you convert and should be informed of their new status and raised in accordance with the teachings of Islam. If they have already reached puberty, then they should be encouraged to take the Shahada to confirm their acceptance of Islam and submission to the will of Allah.

Consider taking a Muslim name. It is not obligatory but it is a highly recommended option and will help you develop your new identity. You may simply take on your new name in addition to your given name, or change your name to your Muslim name. Keep your surname as it is, or change it to "bin" (if you are male) or "bint" (if you are female) followed by the name of your father. That is, if your father is Richard Archer, you might change your name to "Fatemah bint Archer" or "Fatemah bint Richard Archer." If your pre-conversion name is that of a tyrant or that bespeaks worship of another deity, strongly consider changing your name. Choose beautiful Muslim names for any children you may have and explain to them why they must use their new name in future.

Think about circumcision if you are male, as it is recommended in Islam. Some males who are not circumcised become so after converting, partly because it provides an opportunity to show commitment to Islam and to feel part of the Muslim community of brothers. Take your time making this decision, and consult an Imam and other Muslims you trust if you are having doubts. If you have sons, they can be circumcised too, in accordance with Islamic tradition. Teach them that circumcision is a gift that Allah has prescribed for them because it is good for their health and well being. At the same time, consider allowing them to make this highly personal decision for themselves when they grow older and support their decision regardless of whether or not you agree with it.

Living as a Muslim

Pray five times a day. Understand that the five obligatory daily prayers are central to the life of every Muslim. Pray at dawn, after it strikes noon, in the mid-afternoon, at sunset, and at night. The exact times will depend on the season, as worship is timed according to the sun's position. Pray at your mosque when possible if you are male. Females can pray at home if they wish, in a clean corner of the home, dedicated for prayer. Learn about the essential elements of the prayer and what invalidates the prayer. New Muslim children over the age of seven should be taught and encouraged to pray as a priority. Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) teaches that those over the age of ten should be disciplined if they show any reluctance to learn and perform this primary duty. Learn about the recommended optional prayers and add some into your daily routine, as they bring great reward. Make dua (supplication) throughout each day. Praise and thank Allah, and ask in your own words for help, support and guidance. Always acknowledge every sin, however seemingly small, and ask for forgiveness. Remember that although Allah is inclined towards forgiveness, He is aware of every disobedience, so our natural mindset should be a state of combined hope (of His mercy) and fear (of His punishment). Try to remain mindful of Allah throughout the day. Make dhikr whenever you have quiet moments. Striving to please Allah should be at the forefront of your mind with every choice you make.

Observe Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy month. Observe it by praying, fasting, and performing acts of charity. So long as you are physically able, you are required to fast during Ramadan. Fasting means abstaining from sunrise to sundown from all food and drink, as well as sexual activity. Exceptions are made for children that have not reached puberty (though they should be encouraged to complete mini-fasts), the ill, and people who are menstruating or experiencing postpartum bleeding. Many Muslims fast regularly outside of Ramadhan in order to remind themselves of Allah's bounties and as a protection from sin. Self-discipline lies at the core of Islam. A good Muslim is aware that Allah is always watching and the many rules of Islam must be obeyed both in private and in public.

Donate to charity. As a Muslim, you are required by the Quran to donate 2.5% of your earnings to the poor. This is called Zakat. If you are well-off, consider donating a higher percentage of your income. Choose your charity wisely. Make sure it is handled well, so that it directly benefits the poor. There are many Muslim charities that ensure that our Zakat reaches those most deserving. Some charities exist primarily to spread the message of Islam, to encourage non-Muslims to convert and born Muslims to observe the religion more closely.

Make a pilgrimage to Mecca. If you are physically and financially able, you must travel to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once in your lifetime. Prepare spiritually before making this trip, as it is a momentous occasion. Go during the period of Hajj, between the 8th to the 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah. This is the final month of the Islamic calendar, and changes yearly based on the moon.

Study the Quran. Read the Quran every day as much as you are able. You may read by yourself or with other Muslims. Consider taking a class on Islamic scripture at a mosque or an Islamic Center. Memorize some of your favorite surahs and recite them during your prayers (salah). Try to make sure you learn to recite the Quran with the correct pronunciation. Learn the meaning of the words of the Quran and try to incorporate its lessons in your daily life. Learn about the habits and practices of Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him), known as the Sunnah, and try and incorporate these into your life, for example the adhkar that he would recite. The children of reverts should attend weekday evening and/or weekend madrassa to learn Quran, the basics of the Shariah and the history of Islam. It will also help them become accustomed to Muslim behavioral standards and to worship and study with other Muslim children in a single-gender environment. Remember that seeking authentic knowledge about Islam is incumbent upon every Muslim from childhood until death.

Strengthen your faith. Live with the intention of glorifying Allah in all your actions. Seek to uphold the faith of your fellow Muslims. Contribute to your community's efforts at fard al-kifaya, and contribute to charity efforts. Get involved at your local Islamic Center, mosque, or Muslim Student Group if you are a student. Assert your Muslim identity by dressing with modesty, order, and elegance in accordance with Islamic tradition. Following the dress code is a very important as it identifies the Muslims and helps build a sense of belonging within the Muslim community. Women are required to cover themselves with plain, loose clothing, with the exception of their face and hands. Many also choose to follow the practice of covering the face as an additional act of worship, as this was the practice of the female companions of the early prophets. Children should be required to adopt the Islamic dress code. Girls should be accustomed to hijab well before the onset of puberty. Any reluctance should be treated with sensitivity and encouragement, but also firmness if necessary. Study and respect the Islamic limits on gender interaction, which may be very different from what you and your children are used to. For example, it is forbidden in Islam to informally chat with or stare at the opposite gender. Children should be taught the rules of gender interaction from an early age, so that they are ingrained well before puberty. For example boys should only be allowed to play with boys and girls with girls, and any infraction such as chit-chatting should be corrected.

Rejecting Islamophobia as a Non-Muslim

Recognize that Islam is not violent. If you are struggling with negative feelings towards Islam, this may be because it is depicted as an inherently violent religion by non-Muslims. In fact, Islam is as much about peace as any other Abrahamic religion. Muslims disapprove of violence. They do not consider violent jihadists "extremists," but rather "deviants" from Islam, which preaches peace and kindness. Although some aspects of the Shariah may seem quite strict, for example the physical penalties prescribed for certain sins, these are intended to be rarely-used deterrents to drive people towards the obedience of Allah and ensure a safe and fair society. Right-wing extremists, white supremacists in particular, have killed more people in the United States than have Muslims. Recognize that most mass shootings in the United States are by white Christian men.

Take regular classes. Look for mosques and Islamic centers in your area that offer classes on Islam for non-Muslims and new Muslims. Consider joining an inter-faith meetup group. Learn about the religion and get to know real Muslims. You will be able to ask questions and get answers in a non-judgmental classroom environment. Many mosques hold weekly single-gender study circles, which non-Muslims are welcome to attend to meet Muslims and familiarize themselves with Islam. If there is no class available in your area, consider taking a free class online, such as: or if possible move to a Muslim-majority locality. When you do convert, remember that studying Islam is both rewarding and a life-long obligation, so every Muslim adult and child should dedicate some time each day to increase their knowledge of Islam, in particular how Allah wishes to be worshiped. Learn about the importance in Islam of marriage, which has been described as "half our religion". There is no shame in having sexual desires, but these must only be used as a motivator towards getting married and having children, which are the source of great reward in Islam. Some revert sisters choose polygamous marriages, as this was a practice of Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) and is seen as praiseworthy in Islam.

Treat Muslims with respect. Treat Muslim people with the respect and warmth you would extend to anyone. Never make jokes about someone's religion, clothing, or attitude of prayer. Do not blame a Muslim person for the acts of another Muslim, and never assume that one member of a religion holds exactly the same beliefs as another. If you are friends with Muslim people, consider asking if they would be willing to sit down and chat about your respective religions some time. Some people might feel invaded if you ask them questions about their personal faith, though Muslims are expected to be open and willing to share religious knowledge and encourage non-Muslims to find out about Islam. It is best to discuss religion with people you know well, and who say they are happy to talk with you. After you convert, any children you have should be encouraged to form close friendships with other practicing Muslim children who will be a good influence on them. Be wary of allowing past friendships with the children of non-believers to continue, as these may become the source of doubts or discouragement.

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