How to Adjust a Muffin Recipe for Jumbo Size Muffins
How to Adjust a Muffin Recipe for Jumbo Size Muffins
Many coffee shops and bakeries serve lovely huge muffins which are 5-6 inches (12.5-15.0cm) across the top. How do they do that? By slightly adjusting a regular muffin recipe!

Obtain a jumbo sized muffin pan. These are usually sized for 6 muffin openings in the same size pan as the usual 12. Also gather the needed utensils and bowls. See the "Things you will need" list below.

Gather the ingredients in one spot.

Preheat the oven to 25 degrees LOWER than the recipe or muffin calls for.

Mix the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls before combining.

Combine the wet and dry ingredients with the least amount of stirring possible. You want a wet batter, but you don't want to mix it so much that you make the flour part of the muffin rubbery from gluten kneading. Light, fluffy muffins result from working quickly and mixing briefly. Recipes will often state this as "Combine until just mixed" or "Stir together until mixed. Batter will be (slightly) lumpy".

Line the jumbo muffin pans with jumbo muffin liners.

Spray some pan releases or oil onto the liners if you wish to prevent them adhering to the muffins later.

Fill the lined muffin pans 2/3 full with batter. (Or divide the batter for a 12 "regular muffin" recipe evenly into 6 jumbo pan holes).

Bake for 5 minutes longer than the original recipe calls for (usually around 25-30 minutes), or until the muffins are slightly browned and the tops bounce back when you tap them with a finger.

Remove to cool.


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