How to Answer an SAQ: Structure, Scoring, Writing Tips & More
How to Answer an SAQ: Structure, Scoring, Writing Tips & More
You’ve studied hard in your AP history class and now it’s finally time to take the AP exam. The SAQ (short answer question) section makes up 20% of your final score, so you definitely want to know the best way to approach these questions! Fortunately, the best answers are pretty formulaic. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about answering SAQs, from how they’re structured and scored to how to write the perfect, scholarly answer. We’ve also included a full example question and answer so you can see the suggested writing practices in action. Get reading before time’s up!
Things You Should Know
  • Start each answer with a strong topic sentence that addresses the question. Look for verbs like “identify” or “explain” that tell you how to answer the prompt.
  • Address each part of the SAQ in its own mini-paragraph in about 1-3 sentences. Follow the ACE structure in your response: answer, cite, and expand.
  • Write your answer neatly in complete sentences, making sure to keep your writing within the answer box provided.

Answering an SAQ

Highlight the verbs in the question and do what the prompt is asking. Double check for directive words like “identify,” “describe,” or “explain” to guide your answer. These verbs show you what kind of answer the scorer is looking for and how much information to provide. If the question contains verbs like: Identify, outline, list: Give a basic answer or a specific example without much elaboration. These questions can be answered in as little as 1 sentence. Describe, define: Show you know the relevant characteristics of a topic by providing specific details or examples. This answer may be longer than an “identify” answer, but still doesn’t require too much explanation. Explain, compare, discuss: Show the “why” or “how” of the question by using evidence to analyze a historical development or the reasons behind it. These answers take the most writing and may be up to 3 sentences (4 max).

Use part of the question to create a topic sentence for each answer. Use important keywords, phrases, or clauses from the question to show that you’re clearly addressing the topic. For example, if the question asks “Identify and explain one cause of the fall of the Roman Empire,” your first sentence could say “One cause for the fall of the Roman Empire was the invasion of outside groups.” SAQs don’t need introductions or thesis statements like LEQs or DBQs. Get straight to the point and answer the question directly as quickly as possible.

Answer each part of the SAQ in its own mini-paragraph. Make it clear that you’re answering each part clearly instead of combining your entire answer into one long paragraph. Leave a blank line between answers and begin each answer on a new line with a bullet point or the letters A, B, or C to differentiate them. If you’re tight on space, indent the start of each answer on a new line without leaving a blank line between answers. As long as it’s clear you’re answering each part distinctly, there’s no penalty for how you separate your answers.

Use the ACE model to structure your answer to each part of an SAQ. ACE stands for Answer, Cite, and Expand. Start by answering the question directly by identifying your claim, then cite evidence to define or describe your claim. Expand your answer by connecting your claim to the larger historical context. Think of the sample question “Briefly explain ONE important political development of the sectional conflict over slavery during the 1850’s:” Answer: The Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854 was another attempt to settle the sectional conflict over slavery during the 1850’s. Cite: The act split the Nebraska Territory into two new territories, Nebraska and Kansas, and allowed each territory to determine free state or slave state through popular sovereignty. Expand: Although the Kansas Nebraska Act tried to settle the conflict through democratic means, it allowed slavery to expand past the Missouri Compromise line and was a political victory for “slave power.”

Reference or paraphrase the stimulus source, if applicable. If the question includes source text, maps, photos, or charts, allude to the information they share without directly quoting or copying them. Make sure to add additional outside evidence to support your claim and supplement the information the sources provide. For example, if a question asks about locations marked on a map, include the names of those places in your answer to show you’re using the source material. Alluding to the stimulus or source provided will help you earn a point for your answer.

Keep your answer inside the designated answer box. Use concise, clear sentences without lots of unnecessary words to keep your answer short and sweet. The box has 23 lines to write on, which should be plenty if you stick to 2-3 sentences per part. Anything written outside the box will not be scored.

Use complete sentences. Even though your space is limited, use grammatically correct sentences to clearly explain your argument and knowledge. Avoid bullet points, sentence fragments, or lists of names or keywords without explanation.

Write legibly in blue or black ink. Write clearly so your answer is easy to understand—if it’s too messy and hard to read, you may not get a point for your answer. If you make a mistake, cross out the text neatly and continue writing (white out is not allowed).

Example SAQ Answer

A) Identify and explain ONE way in which a foundational civilization formed a stable political state.B) Explain ONE similarity between Mesopotamian and Nile River Valley methods of expanding their civilizations.C) Explain ONE difference between Nile River Valley and Yellow River Valley methods of celebrating their civilizations. A) In ancient Mesopotamia, stability was based on all men and women contributing to an agrarian society. The primary occupations were growing crops and raising livestock and the secondary occupations, like beer maker, tanner, weaver, and shoemaker, were dependent on agriculture. Although different empires rose and fell across the Fertile Crescent, the survival of all states were dependent on the production of surplus grains. B) Both the Egyptians and Babylonians expanded their empire through standing armies. Both empires employed volunteers who were trained as professionals, drafted citizens, and hired foreign mercenaries. The empires took territory along waterways that allowed them to expand their trade networks. C) Ancient Egypt expanded the authority of their society through building monuments for great pharaohs and noblemen while the Zhou Dynasty venerated their ancestors by constructing big palaces. The Egyptian pyramids were not only tombs for their deceased leaders, but public monuments proclaiming that the pharaohs were Gods and would continue to rule in the next life. The Zhou emperors built private residences with ancestor shrines and colored pillars reserved for use by the royal family and forbidden to commoners regardless of wealth.

Time Limit

You will have 40 minutes to answer all 3 SAQs. Questions 1 and 2 may be more involved since you have to incorporate the stimuli into your answer, so plan to spend about 13-15 minutes on each of them. Your third question has no stimulus and might go by faster—spend about 10-12 minutes on it. This comes out to about 3-5 minutes for each individual part of the SAQs.


Each part of an SAQ is worth 1 point, meaning there are 9 points total. Most of the time, students who earn a 5 on their AP exam score at least a 7 out of 9 in the SAQ section since it makes up 20% of the overall score. Points are earned based on historical accuracy, the clarity of your writing, the depth of your descriptions, and the quality of your explanation about how or why a historical event or connection exists. Very minor historical errors are OK as long as they don’t detract from your overall argument. SAQs are considered “first drafts” and grammatical errors won’t count against you unless they make your answer hard to understand. Good descriptions contain the important characteristics of a topic and not just a keyword, name, or term. Points are only awarded on AP exams and never taken away, so try not to leave anything blank. Any answer is more likely to get a point than no answer.

SAQ Structure

There are 3 SAQs per exam. Questions 1 and 2 are both required and include a stimulus (an image or text that relates to the topic of the question). The stimulus for question 1 is a secondary source (a source created after an event by someone who was not involved, like books or articles), and the stimulus for question 2 is a primary source (a firsthand account of an event by people who were involved, like photos or journal entries). Choose between questions 3 and 4 for your third SAQ. Neither question will have a stimulus and your answer depends on your knowledge alone. Only answer 1 of the optional questions. If you answer both, only the first one will be scored and counted.

Each SAQ contains 3 parts that must be addressed in your response. Part A is a straightforward question that can usually be answered in 1-2 sentences. Part B is a little more complex and asks you to expand on or explain more about what you know. Part C requires the highest level of analysis and asks you to compare what you know with other things happening at the time. Parts B and C may need 2-3 sentences each. For example, an AP US History SAQ might ask: Part A: What was the Compromise of 1850? Part B: To what extent was it really a compromise? Part C: Which events were directly linked to the passage of the compromise?

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