How to Compliment a Girl over Text
How to Compliment a Girl over Text
Sending a thoughtful message to a girl is a great way to make her feel special, but it can be a little tricky knowing what to say. You’ll want to say something that sounds genuine without coming off too creepy. Luckily, there are a lot of things you can send to let her know how much you admire her. We have a long list of compliments you can try whether you want to comment on her appearance or her personality!

“You did an amazing job earlier today.”

Give her recognition if she handled something really well. People love feeling appreciated for something they worked really hard to achieve, so show her that you’ve noticed. Just make sure you don’t make it sound like you’re surprised by her achievement since your compliment could come off as insincere. Try saying something like: “You killed it in science class today! You're such a great lab partner.” “That was such an incredible presentation. I’m glad I was there to see it!” “You made really good points in today’s meeting.”

“You’re a really great listener.”

Show her you love having conversations with her using this message. It’s so nice when you can tell another person anything that’s on your mind, so tell the girl when you feel that way. She’ll appreciate knowing that she’s someone that you can trust and feel comfortable with. Try something like: “You make it so easy to open up and talk.” “I appreciate how you’re always there when I need to chat.” “I feel so comfortable around you. I’d trust you with all of my secrets.”

“You have an awesome sense of humor.”

Tell her when she makes you laugh so she feels confident in her jokes. It’s always a relief to know when one of your jokes lands, so mention how funny she is in your text. Respond with “haha,” “lol,” or a laughing emoji whenever she tells a joke and let her know how much you loved it. You could send messages like: “I can’t stop thinking of that joke you told today. It was so funny!” “You always know how to make me laugh without even trying.” “You’re the most hilarious person I’ve ever met.”

”You always know the right thing to say.”

Mentioning this shows her you appreciate your conversations. After you have a good conversation, let her know that you’re taking her words to heart. The girl will love that you value her opinions and care about what she says. let her know that you You could instead say something like: “You have such a way with words.” “You’re so good at giving advice.”

“Your smile lights up every room.”

Complimenting her best feature keeps you from sounding generic. While you may think saying “You have a nice smile,” is enough, she’s probably heard it a million times. Instead, tell her something a little more creative about how her smile made you feel. Choosing a specific trait or feeling to comment on helps show that you pay attention to her. As another example, you may instead say, “Your smile could cheer up the grumpiest person on the planet.”

“You have such a great sense of fashion.”

A general comment on her appearance is flattering and won’t sound creepy. This works well if you saw the girl earlier that day or if they sent you a picture, but you can say it any time. Avoid going into too much detail about what you like about her appearance, or she may feel like you’re objectifying her. Instead, stick with something like: “That outfit looks amazing on you.” “You’re really beautiful.” “That’s a great look on you!”

“I have a blast whenever I’m with you.”

Tell her you enjoy her company to let her know she’s fun to be with. People love to know if they’re fun to be around, so it makes a perfect compliment. After you’ve been together in person, drop a message in the chat about what you liked about the time you spent with them. You might say something like: “There’s never a dull moment while you’re around, and I love that.” “You’re so easy to be around, I could just spend hours with you.” “You’re my favorite person, and I can’t wait to see you again.”

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot.”

She’ll love to know that you can’t get her out of your head. Whenever the girl crosses your mind, shoot her a text about it. Let her know about what you’re doing that reminded you of her to make your message sound more genuine and less creepy. Even just knowing that she’s on your mind is enough to make her smile. Try saying something like: “I’m still thinking about that story you told me in math class today.” “I was watching Jeopardy earlier and it reminded me of you. You’re so smart, you should be on this show!” “It’s been a tough day and you came to my mind. You’re always so good at cheering other people up.”

“I’m lucky to have smart people like you in my life.”

Saying that you’ve learned from her shows you admire her smarts. Tailor your compliment to include some specific things that you’ve learned from her so you sound more genuine. You could try something like: “You have such good music taste. I always love when you share new songs with me.” “Thanks for showing me that recipe! You make it so easy to understand.” “I learned so much from your presentation earlier today! I can tell you put a lot of effort into it.”

“You inspire me to be the best person.”

Bring up the qualities you love about her for a more meaningful compliment. If the girl has left an impact on you, it’ll mean the world to her knowing how she affected you. Mentioning the things that you appreciate the most shows that you notice and care for her on a deeper level as well. Send her a text that says something like: “You’re the most patient person I’ve met and it makes me want to get better too.” “I’ve always admired your confidence. I hope I can be as confident as you someday.” “I’ve been so lucky getting to know someone as positive as you. You make every day better.”

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