How to Convert People to Islam
How to Convert People to Islam
Maybe you have a friend who seems really interested in Islam, and not tied to any particular religion or practices another faith? You've come to the right place! This article will teach you how to guide people to Islam.

Remember there is no compulsion in Islam, so you cannot force anyone to become a Muslim. According to The Noble Qur'an, Allah says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." Islam allows freedom of religion, and it is prohibited for a Muslim to be hostile or argumentative with a non-Muslim unless they are as well. Trading, for example, is allowed, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to trade with Jews.

Check yourself. Make sure you are demonstrating good Muslim behavior on a daily basis. It's also very important that you love Islam and have some knowledge on it before you teach others. To not do so would be hypocritical. See How to Learn About Islam.

Teach them about Islam. Remind them it isn't just about the Islamic extremists and the media. Don't be hostile, though, and make sure you know what you're talking about. Some good topics to start with are the five pillars, the articles of faith, the last messenger Muhammad ﷺ, Islamic history, and Islamic philosophy about life. You can draw connections to other religions to help them understand and to broaden their knowledge. Be well-versed on the misconceptions of Islam.

Tell them how Muslims view God. Muslims view God as formless. He was not born nor did he give birth to anyone. He cannot be compared with anything. Muslims believe God alone is the creator of Universe and he alone deserves worship. Any act of worship directed to anyone other than God is considered as greatest sin in Islam. Muslims perform prayer 5 times daily to God.

Tell them about Islamic duties and rules. Islam has certain regulations about several aspects of our lives. These regulations include the five pillars of Islam, which underline the fundamentals of Islam that must be completed by every able Muslim, dietary guidelines, dress code and the hijab, the method of washing ourselves through wudu and ghusl, and the Sunnah, which is the practice of the Prophet ﷺ. Every Muslim must strive to follow the example of the Prophet, who was a perfect being.

Take them to the mosque. Ask them if they would like to go; this is so they can watch how Islamic worship is done. Explain to them the different parts of prayer, and how things are arranged in a mosque. They should understand the etiquettes of the mosque; they must remove their footwear, understand that prayer rooms are segregated, and they must be quiet and respectful. The mosque is a place not only of worship but also knowledge and peace.

Help them cultivate their knowledge. If they seem really interested, give them an English translation of the Qur'an or some books about Islam to help them develop their knowledge. Consider giving them a version of the Qur'an that includes explanations (tafseer) and/or background information so that they can follow along. Link them to informative and reliable Islamic websites, such as

Tell them how to declare faith. The Shahada (testimony of faith) is "La ilaha illallah Muhammad-ur- rasulullah." [There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.] If they want to follow Islam and worship Allah, they're ready to become a Muslim.

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