How to Dye Black Hair Red
How to Dye Black Hair Red
Looking to dye those dark locks red? We don't blame you! Your natural color is probably gorgeous, but mixing up your hair color can be such a fun way to change your look and have some fun. You've probably heard about how hard it can be to dye dark shades, but you don't need to stress. We've got you covered, and we'll walk you through choosing the best dye, applying the product, and caring for your hair after the fact. Excited to shake things up? Scroll down!

Choosing the Right Dye

Choose a permanent dye. There are two different kinds of hair dye: permanent and temporary. Permanent dye lifts the hair cuticle and lasts for months. Temporary color, which places the dye on top of the natural hair color, will last for a few days or weeks. Since you’re dyeing black hair red, you’ll need a permanent dye. Search for a product that’s the correct shade of red and is also labeled “permanent.”

Assess your hair's condition. Be honest with yourself about whether your hair is in the proper condition to be dyed. Bleach and hair dye will cause damage to your hair, so it's risky to dye hair that is already damaged and/or has been dyed a lot. If your hair has been previously dyed black, you will not be able to lighten it with more color. Only the roots where the color has grown out will lift. This means that you’ll have to use bleach to lift the color before dyeing it red, which will be hard on unhealthy hair. Virgin hair (hair that hasn't been dyed before) typically displays color more accurately. Be upfront with your stylist about whether your hair is already dyed.

Purchase all of the materials and products that you need. Don't try to dye your hair without making a shopping list and collecting some necessary items at a local beauty store. In addition to the dye, you’ll need other products, such as developer and bleach. You’ll also need applicator brushes, plastic mixing bowls, plastic clips, a shower cap, plastic gloves, and possibly more. Ion sensitive developer works best for people with skin that irritates easily.

Pick the best color for your skin tone. There are many different shades of red that you can dye your hair, including auburn, strawberry, brick, mahogany, and more. Try going with a shade of red that best compliments your complexion, whether you have cool-toned fair skin, warm-toned dark skin, or something in between. Hold a sample hair swatch close to your face to see if the color works with your skin tone. If you have pink, red, or bluish undertones, then you have a cool skin tone. If you have peachy, golden, or yellow undertones, then you have a warm skin tone. If you have a combination of the two, your skin tone is likely neutral. Consider going with a true red, dark auburn, or burgundy if you have warm undertones. Try red velvet, aubergine red, or mahogany if you have a cool skin tone. If you have fair skin, dark reds may make you look too pale. Try copper or strawberry blonde instead. Bright, bold colors, such as fire engine red, blackberry, violet red, and burnt orange look great on darker skin.

Dyeing Your Hair

Bleach your hair. If your hair is resistant or if it has been previously colored, you’ll need to bleach it before dyeing it in order to get the shade of red that you want. Mix bleach and 10 or 20 volume developer in a bowl with an applicator brush until it's a yogurt-like consistency. Put on some plastic gloves and a cape to prevent your skin from burning or your clothes from being ruined. Part your hair with the pointed end of the applicator brush and paint the bleach onto your hair from root to tip. Continue making new parts and coating your hair until it’s completely covered in bleach. Let the bleach process until your hair color is the level of lightness you desire. Then wash it out with shampoo and moisturize your hair with conditioner. If you’re wanting your hair to be a light and/or bright shade of red, you may need to wait a few weeks and repeat the bleaching process to bring it up to a true blonde. However, bleaching a second time may cause breakage. Dying your hair in stages over several weeks is the safest way to achieve the lightness you want without significantly damaging your hair. Don’t bleach your hair if it is virgin. Products like L'Oreal Excellence HiColor Reds for Dark Hair Only in H8 may be able to give you red hair without bleaching the black first. Bleaching your hair too much can cause extreme damage and breakage, so limit how long you keep it on your hair and how often you apply it.

Brush and section your hair. You don't want snarls, so brush your hair thoroughly. Then, use plastic clips to pull the hair into four equally-sized sections. At this point, you can also apply Vaseline at your hairline so you don't end up dyeing your skin orange.

Mix the ingredients. Add your tube of dye and 10 volume developer to the mixing bowl. Use a measuring cup to measure them out according to the instructions on the bottle or package and then mix them together in the bowl with the applicator brush until the dye is smooth. The mixture should be the consistency of paste; not too watery.

Paint the dye onto your hair. Unclip one section of hair. Use an applicator brush to start applying the color an inch or two (2.5-5 cm) away from your roots. Completely saturate the hair all the way down to ends of the strands. Repeat this process for each section of hair. Wear plastic gloves when applying dye. Otherwise, you will stain your hands. Apply the dye everywhere except your roots. You usually have virgin hair at the roots, so if you do the roots first, you could end up with roots that are a brighter color than the rest of your hair. Consider filling a squirt bottle with the dye and applying it that way if you have long and/or thick hair. Remember to paint the tiny hairs near your ears. You might want to use your finger to reach those.

Let the hair process and apply dye to your roots. Then, put a shower cap on and let the dye process for as long as the product instructs. After about half of the processing time has gone by, remove the shower cap and paint your roots red with the dye. Then put the cap back on and let your hair finish processing.

Shampoo and condition your hair. Once the time is up, thoroughly wash the dye out of your hair with a shampoo that is designed for dyed hair. Then rinse it out and condition your hair with a conditioner also designed for colored hair. Finally, rinse out the conditioner. Use lukewarm or cool water, but never hot water as it will make your color fade. Avoid shampoos with sulfate in them. They can strip the color out of your hair faster.

Caring for Your Red Hair

Wash your hair 2-3 times each week. Red hair color tends to fade fast because the molecules that make up the dye are large. To slow down the fading process, resist the urge to wash your hair often. Do not wash your hair more than once every other day. If your hair gets oily fast, try using dry shampoo to keep it looking fresh in between washes. Don't take hot showers. Hot water will make your color fade faster.

Touch up the red color. Red hair dye is prone to fading. Apply a semi-permanent or demi-permanent dye to your hair from time to time to gently touch it up and keep it looking rich. If you need to touch up the roots, use a permanent dye.

Deep condition your hair. Remember that dying your hair is damaging. Because of this, you'll want to make sure you do deep conditioning treatments on your hair from time to time, especially just after you've dyed it. Also be sure to condition your hair every time you wash it.

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