Learn what chest and head voice are. Here is a very loose explanation: Chest voice: The lower register of your voice when you are speaking or singing. When you are having a conversation with a friend, you are likely using your chest voice to speak to them. Head voice: The higher register of your voice when you are speaking or singing. Some people speak in their head voice when they are nervous or speaking to strangers. There's also a kind of voice in-between those two types, called mixed voice. It is a softer version of the chest and a fuller version of the head, and it can be used as a transition between the two types.
Learn what they feel like. What does it feel like to sing or speak in your head and chest voice? Chest voice: When you speak or sing in your chest voice, it should feel like the tone is resonating in your chest. The sound should feel (and sound) like there is more power backing it up. There's strain when you're using your chest voice because it does have kind of a limit. Head voice: When you speak or sing in your head voice, it should feel like the tone is resonating in your head. The sound should be more light and gentle than in your chest voice. When singing in your head voice, you shouldn't have strain at all. Your head voice should be light and lifted.
To sing in your chest voice, begin speaking in your normal voice. As you speak, slowly transition the words into an "ooh". If you had been speaking in your normal voice, the singing you will hear should be in your chest voice. Practice doing this until you are confident that you know what it feels like in your face, throat, and chest.
To sing in your head voice, begin a high voice, but not a squeaky voice. As you speak, do as you did in the previous step. The singing you will hear should be your head voice. Practice until you know what your head voice feels like to you.
Be careful. It's important to take caution when you are singing! Don't try to sing high notes in your chest voice for more power. Do what feels comfortable to you and make sure not to overuse your voice!
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