Playing Pretend
Teach your AG doll what you're learning at school. Have fun with your American Girl doll by playing school! Teach her all about your favorite subjects, help her with her spelling, and give her pop quizzes. You can use your own schoolwork, write on a dry erase board, or make flashcards. You can even make your AG doll her own locker and desk out of cardboard boxes. If you want to make your school day more exciting, stage pretend fire drills or tornado drills! Give your doll stickers to recognize a job well done!
Be your American Girl doll's mommy. Playing house is always fun, but it will be even more fun when you have a special baby like your AG doll! Feed your baby, read her stories, and put her down for a nap. While you’re taking care of your doll, make sure to keep up with your other responsibilities, like taking care of the house and paying your bills. Playing house is good practice for when you’re really a grown-up! To change things up, you can pretend that you’re the babysitter and your AG doll’s parents have gone out for the night!
Host your own tea party or restaurant. Set out plates, cups, and pretend food, and serve your American Doll a nice meal. If you don’t have any pretend food, make your own by cutting shapes out of colored paper, or print out pictures of food online and cut them out! Just be sure to ask for permission before you use the scissors. You can even make your own restaurant for your doll! Don't try to feed your AG doll real food, or you could accidentally stain her.
Give your AG doll a checkup. It’s important to make sure your American Girl stays in good health! Pretend to be a doctor and give your doll a thorough checkup. Check her ears, listen to her heart, test her reflexes, and take her temperature with a thermometer to make sure she’s healthy and strong. If she’s not feeling well, nurse her back to health! If your AG doll has an injury, wrap it up in a bandage or put a bandaid on her. You might also want to play dentist and check your AG doll for cavities. Don’t forget to fill out your doll’s medical chart!
Stage a competition for your American Girl doll. Have a blast with your American Girl doll by having a competition. Include other dolls and toys, and have them compete to see who’s the best. You could host a singing competition, a dance contest, a gymnastics match, a race, or anything else you can think of. Act as the judge and decide on the winner. If you have friends with AG dolls, invite them over for the contest too! You could also have your AG doll judge your performance in a contest if you want.
Go on adventures with your doll out into the real world. You can play pretend with your AG doll anywhere you go! If you go to the park, pretend she's helping you push the swing. wing with her at the park, let her help you pick out an outfit if you go shopping, or have her order from the menu if you’re dining at a restaurant. The possibilities for play are endless when you have your AG doll with you! Just be careful if you go to a beach or the pool, so you don’t get your doll wet. Water can ruin her soft body, rust her eyes, and cause her hair to fall out.
Dressing up Your Doll
Dress up your AG doll in different outfits. One of the best things about an American Girl doll is dressing her in different outfits. You can buy clothes from the American Girl shop, or if you have other dolls that are about the same size as your AG doll, you can swap their clothing for a fun update! Try updating your AG doll’s outfit to reflect the weather, changing seasons, or what you’re planning to do that day. For instance, if it’s stormy, you might want to dress your AG doll in a raincoat and boots, or if it’s chilly, you might want to add on a few layers. If you or someone you know can sew, you can even make your own AG doll clothes!
Style your American Girl doll’s hair. When you’re playing dress-up, feel free to get creative with your American Girl doll’s hairstyle! If your doll has straight hair, use her hairbrush to gently brush out any tangles. If you have a curly-haired doll, use a special pick so you don’t mess up her curls. You can braid your doll’s hair, put it in ponytails, add bows and ribbons, or create your very own style! Try to create a hairstyle that matches your doll’s outfit. If she’s wearing a fancy dress, for instance, you might want to leave her hair down, but if she’s dressed in a more casual style, you might put her hair into pigtails.
Accessorize her outfit. Accessories can take your AG doll’s outfit to the next level. Add scarves, bracelets, rings, hair bows, or anything else your AG doll might like! Try to match the accessories to your doll’s outfit. For instance, if it’s cold out, you might wrap her in a scarf, or you might add an extra-sparkly barrette to her hair if she’s dressed up. If you don’t have any official AG doll accessories, try making your own. For instance, you could make matching friendship bracelets for you and your doll, or you could put a charm on a pretty ribbon to make a necklace.
Dress yourself up to match your doll. Your AG doll shouldn’t be the only one who’s getting glamorous! After you get your doll ready, put on a fun outfit that goes with your doll’s. It doesn’t have to match exactly (unless you want it to); just have fun and wear something that makes you feel special. Once you’re all dressed up, go on an adventure or have a fashion show with your doll!
Getting Artistic
Start your own blog online. There are a number of websites that make it easy to start your own blog. Make your AG doll the narrator, and post updates often. When you’re trying to think of new blog posts, write stories about the adventures you and your AG doll go on together! Include pictures of your doll in different places that go with the stories. Always get permission before you go online, and be sure not to ever share personal information like your address, phone number, last name, where you go to school, or what you look like.
Create a stop-motion video with your doll. Creating a stop-motion video is a fun way to make your American Girl doll seem like she’s really alive! Pose her and take a picture, then move her just a little and take another picture. Keep doing this so it looks like she’s moving! You can either use a stop-motion camera or a regular digital camera and then put the photos in an app that makes movies.
Make a bedroom for your doll. If you want a special place to keep your American Girl doll at night, start with a medium-sized cardboard box to make her own room. Add a shoebox for a bed, then decorate the room with blankets, pillows, posters, a rug, and a table. Use your imagination to create the perfect room for your doll! If your AG doll has a pet, don’t forget to make a dog or cat bed! Ask for permission before you use scissors to cut cardboard if you’re making your own furniture. If you like, you can also ask your parents to buy furniture for your doll from the American Girl shop.
Paint a portrait of your AG doll. If you have paints, sit your American Girl doll somewhere where she’s secure, then try to paint her picture. Pay attention to little details like the way her hair falls or the different shades on her face from shadows and light. Make sure not to get any paint on your American Girl doll! If you don’t have paints, try using colored pencils or even a regular #2 pencil.
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