How to Tread Water Eggbeater Style
How to Tread Water Eggbeater Style
This is the most efficient method of treading water. It's used by water polo players but is great for anyone who wants to tread water.

Get in a pool and position yourself vertically in the water.

Start breaststroke (frog style) kicking to stay afloat, but only kick one leg at a time.

At the same time keep your arms in front of you about shoulder width apart moving back and forth left to right to keep you balanced and to help keep you afloat.

Spread your legs out as far as you comfortably can, and bring them your quads up as if you were sitting in a chair,(approx 90 degree angle between legs and abs) and kick each leg separately in a circular motion (Right leg in counter-clockwise motion, left leg in clockwise motion).

It may take some time learning to keep your hips stable while doing this, so focus on that or have someone hold your hips in place.

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