How to Use Color-Safe Bleach on Your Colored Clothes
How to Use Color-Safe Bleach on Your Colored Clothes
Bleach can remove stubborn stains from your clothes, making them look super fresh and clean. It’s important, however, to choose the right type of bleach when washing colored clothes to avoid bleach stains and fading. For colored clothing, use non-chlorine bleach, also known as oxygen or color-safe bleach. Take care to wash dark and light clothes separately and use the correct settings for your clothes. When you're done, they will look as good as new!
Can you use bleach on colored clothes?

Choosing & Testing Bleach

Check the care tag on your clothes to see if they can safely be bleached. Take a look at the label on the clothes you want to bleach. Look for a triangle with an open center to indicate that you can use regular bleach, or a triangle with 2 diagonal stripes in the center to indicate that you should use non-chlorine bleach. If your clothes can't be bleached at all, there will be a triangle with an X through it on the tag. Almost all colored clothes will indicate that you should use non-chlorine bleach. Some clothes will not be safe to bleach with any type of bleach. Avoid using bleach on acetates, silk, spandex, and wool.

Use color-safe bleach to get rid of hard-to-remove stains. When you are buying bleach, be sure to look for non-chlorine bleach that is safe to use on colored clothes. These types of bleach are also called color-safe bleach or oxygen bleach. Avoid using chlorine bleach for colored clothing, since it lifts color from fabric and causes fading and white stains on your clothes. You can, however, use chlorine bleach on white clothing to remove a transfer dye. For example, if you wash a white shirt with a maroon shirt, and the maroon color bleeds onto the white shirt, chlorine bleach can remove this stain.

Test bleach on an inconspicuous patch if you are worried about damage. Apply one drop of non-chlorine bleach to a spot on your clothes that will be hidden when you wear them. Wait for 3 minutes, and then rinse out the bleach with water. If the clothes change color, they are not bleach-safe. If your clothes don't have tags that tell you whether or not they’re bleach-safe, always do a patch test with the bleach before using it.

Using Non-Chlorine Bleach on Colored Clothes

Separate dark and light clothes. Dark and light clothes should never be washed together because the dye from the dark clothes can stain the light fabric. It's especially important to keep darks and lights separate when you're working with bleach, since the bleach will affect the fabrics differently.

Pretreat stained garments with diluted non-chlorine bleach. Dissolve a capful of non-chlorine bleach in a bucket or large bowl of hot water. Soak your stained clothes in the bleach and water solution for at least an hour, or as long as overnight. This method is best for sweat stains. To get rid of stiffness from bleaching, scrub your clothes with a laundry brush periodically while they soak.

Load the separated items into the washing machine. Don't exceed your machine's recommended load size to ensure everything gets cleaned properly. Be sure to evenly distribute the clothing in the drum if you have a top-loading machine.

Put the washing machine on the correct settings for your clothes. Wash your clothes according to the instructions on the tag. For example, your clothes might need to be washed in cold water on a delicate cycle. Follow the instructions carefully, so that you don't damage your clothes. If your clothes can be washed in hot water, use the hottest possible setting. Bleach is most effective when the water's temperature is around 130 °F (54 °C).

Follow the directions on the bleach bottle for how much to use. In most cases, you will use ⁄4 cup (180 mL) of non-chlorine bleach for a full load of laundry. If you are only washing a few items, use less bleach. On the flip side, for a heavily soiled load of laundry you may need to use more bleach.

Pour non-chlorine bleach into the designated space in the machine. Never pour bleach directly onto your clothes. Most washing machines have an automatic bleach dispenser that will release the bleach at the right time. If there isn't a bleach dispenser in your washing machine, add the bleach 5 minutes into the wash cycle.

Add laundry detergent to the machine and start the cycle. You’ll still need to use your regular detergent along with the non-chlorine bleach. Measure out the amount recommended on the packaging for your load size. Then, add the detergent to the dispenser. If your machine doesn't have a laundry detergent dispenser, add the detergent directly to the washing machine drum.

Run an extra rinse cycle to get rid of the bleach smell. After you've washed your clothes with bleach, they might have a bit of a chemical smell. Running the clothes through another rinse cycle should take care of this!

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