Is Your House Haunted? 12 Ways to Tell
Is Your House Haunted? 12 Ways to Tell
While there is no definitive proof that ghosts exist, some people believe strange noises, smells, and sights can be explained by the supernatural. If you think your house is haunted, you can conduct an amateur investigation by watching for unusual phenomena and noting your intuition. You can also study the history of your home or region. Allegedly, areas with a violent past can increase the risk of a haunting. To learn what signs to look for to tell if your house is haunted, read on!
Things You Should Know
  • Your house may be haunted if you see shadowy figures that look like people or feel you’re being watched. You may feel a strange sensation on the back of your neck.
  • Other common signs of ghosts in your house include cold spots, unusual noises, drained electronics, and lights that turn on and off on their own.
  • You can tell if your house is haunted by researching your home’s history, doing an energy audit, or hiring a reputable psychic or ghost hunter.

Signs of a Ghost in Your House

You see shadows and figures, or a clear apparition. If you've ever seen anything seemingly inexplicable in your home, this can be a sign of a haunting. You may see dark shadows in the corner of your eye or even shadowy figures resembling people or animals. Remember, however, that your peripheral vision is often unreliable. If you think you see a spirit out of the corner of your eye, it may be a trick of the light. Set up a video camera in your home when you're away to capture any unusual shadows on film.

You feel like you're being watched. Your intuition can help guide you when evaluating whether your house is haunted. People who live in allegedly haunted homes sometimes feel like they're being watched or frequently feel a weird sensation on the back of their neck. If you ever get a sense you're not alone, even if no one else is in the room, this can be a sign of a haunting. Remember, ghosts are usually just people. They don’t have a body, but they were a person once. If you feel like other people are around you, it may be a big sign they are. If you have other people living with you, ask them if they also experience the sense of being watched. Keep in mind that feelings of nervousness and paranoia can also be attributed to underlying mental health issues. A mental health professional should evaluate this kind of anxiety.

You smell unusual or inexplicable odors. Some people think ghosts can leave unusual smells that do not have a clear source. Sulfur and bad odors are often associated with hauntings. However, smells like food and perfume may also be detected. Rule out other possible sources before assuming a smell is supernatural. Try to follow the smell to see if it has a source or notice if you left a window open. An unusual smell can float in from outside.

You feel random cold spots or temperature changes. Some believe that ghosts can cause dips in temperature. If you notice spots in your home seem cold, even if there is no obvious cause of a draft, this can be a sign of a haunting. However, double-check for cracks in doors and open windows near the cold spots. Drafts can easily be a culprit for unusual cold spots in your home.

You hear unusual noises. People who believe they live in haunted houses report odd noises. You may hear inexplicable footsteps, scratching, music, or even soft voices. Remember, unusual noises can be caused by opened windows or your neighbor's TV set. Don't attribute them to hauntings without checking for more plausible explanations. Mice, rats, or bugs can make scratching and footstep sounds. Having an exterminator check out your home is a good idea to rule that out and provide treatment if necessary. You can also use a phone, tablet, or digital audio recorder to capture noises.

Your lights inexplicably turn on and off. Brief power outages can cause flickering lights. However, if flickering lights are frequent in your home, there may be another explanation. If lights go on and off without explanation regularly, this can be a sign of haunting. Other issues, like loose light bulbs and issues with circuits and electrical panels, can also cause flickering lights. If your home is very prone to flickering lights, consult an electrician.

Your electronic devices are constantly drained or acting up. Is your phone constantly at 1%, or does your TV turn on and off by itself? These phenomena may be explained by a ghost in your house trying to pull its energy from your power sources. Phone batteries also die quickly when the device or charger is old and faulty. If professionals have checked out your phone and TV and they are in good condition, this could be the work of a paranormal entity.

You find objects that have moved from where you last left them. You may have left your keys by the front door hook, and now they're on your bedside table. If you’re repeatedly finding things in odd places or where you’re certain you didn’t leave them, this could be a ghost in your house trying to assert its presence or make the home feel the way they like. Sometimes, people misplace things or don’t remember moving things from one spot to the other. If other people share your space, they also may be moving objects around.

Your pets are acting strangely. Animals may become frightened or nervous without a clear cause or stare at something you cannot see. If your dog, for example, suddenly starts barking at a corner of the room, it may be seeing a ghost or spirit. Strange animal behavior, especially excessive vocalization, can indicate your pet is in pain. See a vet before attributing unusual behavior to ghosts.

You have unexpected mood swings. Ghosts can allegedly affect personality and mood. If you or another household member becomes angry, irritable, or inexplicably sad, this may be a sign of a haunting. If negative moods tend to only surface in your home, this indicates there may be a ghost present. Low moods and irritability can be a sign of mental health issues, however. If you have a persistent low mood for a long time, see a therapist before attributing it to a haunting.

You’re having intense and vivid dreams. Some believe ghosts can affect the types of dreams you have. If you begin having intense nightmares, this can be a sign of a haunting. You may have nightmares about the supernatural and feel like something is chasing or attacking you in your sleep. Nightmares may be very vivid, to the point you can physically feel things in your dreams. If you're experiencing things like shortness of breath during sleep, however, see a doctor. These symptoms can be a sign of a medical condition, such as sleep apnea, which should be ruled out before you attribute the issues to ghosts. Nightmares can also have psychological causes. If you've been stressed or upset lately, this may be causing your nightmares as well.

You often feel ill or weak without a reason. Some people believe hauntings cause mild physical symptoms. For example, you may sometimes come down with small colds or unexplained nausea. Hauntings can also cause an overall feeling of weakness. As many other ailments can cause these symptoms, however, see a doctor before attributing them to a haunting. If everyone in the house is experiencing physical symptoms, have your home investigated by professionals to check for hazards like mold and bacteria.

Investigating If Your House Is Haunted

See if anyone died in your home. Some websites allow you to enter your address, and, for a fee, they will provide you with information about deaths that occurred in your home. You can also try searching for your address online. There may have been a news story if someone died in your home or if a tragic event occurred there.

Do an energy audit. You can hire professionals to do an energy audit of your home. Energy audits involve using a thermodynamic camera to check your home for dips in heat. A home with inexplicable dips in heat and uneven temperatures may be haunted. Energy audits can sometimes find logical causes of dips in energy. This can allow you to fix problems in your home that cause things like drafts, slamming windows, and flickering lights. Stick to people like professional mechanics who offer non-paranormal services. There's a good chance there's a rational reason for drafts and cold spots that may require repairs that paranormal investigators cannot provide.

Research the area. You may not know the area well if you just moved to town. Do some research to see if there were any recent tragedies or accidents. Some people believe areas that have dark histories are more prone to hauntings. You can look up the history of your town online. Try stopping by a local library that archives old newspapers. You may find some unusual stories there.

Talk to your neighbors. If you just moved to a neighborhood, your house may have a reputation for being haunted. Ask your neighbors if they know of any paranormal activities in your home. Ask them if previous neighbors ever said anything about your home being haunted.

How to Get Rid of a Ghost in Your House

Tell the ghost to leave you alone or ignore them. You’re paying for your home, so you have the right to control who is allowed in your space. If you’re uncomfortable with the spirit you believe to be in your house, forcefully say, out loud, that you want the ghost to leave. Alternatively, just ignore the ghost. If you stop giving them intention, they will most likely move on eventually.

Cleanse your home with sage. Purchase a sage stick from a ceremonial shop. Place the sage in an abalone shell or hold it at an angle. Light the sage and let it burn for 20 seconds, then blow it out until you see orange embers. Walk around the room to spread the smoke and cleanse the space of negative energy.

Light white candles for positivity. Perform a candle ritual by lighting your candle and strongly visualizing what you want. Blow out the candle and repeat this process until you no longer feel the negative energy in your home. White candles are used to remove negative energy and bring in positive energy, but you can use other candle colors for different purposes.

Pour black salt around your home. Find Wiccan black salt or make your own by combining finely-crushed egg shells, charcoal, and any kind of salt. Placing the black salt on window frames and doorways is believed to protect your home from spirits.

Use protective stones. Place four or five stones each in several bowls and put one bowl at each corner of your home. You can also keep stones in your pocket or purse. Some people believe that these practices will ward off negative energy and bad spirits. Black obsidian stones, selenite stones, and pyrite stones are popular choices for spirit protection.

Place protective crystals and herbs around your bed. If your ghost is causing you to have intense nightmares or you’re having trouble sleeping, put calming lavender sachets in your pillowcase or under your mattress. You can also try putting clear quartz or amethyst crystals near your bed, which are both believed to protect against dark spirits.

Reach out to a professional. Spiritual professionals claim to help you understand what’s going on in your home and how to remove any unwanted entities. A reputable paranormal specialist, like a medium or psychic, will try to communicate with the spirits. You can also contact a paranormal investigator or ghost hunter—but do your research and keep in mind that they shouldn’t charge you.

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