Simple DIY Hair Masks for Shiny & Healthy Hair
Simple DIY Hair Masks for Shiny & Healthy Hair
So, you want to give your hair a little oomph. Maybe it’s looking especially oily, damaged, or straggly at the ends. No matter your hair dilemma, we’ve got the perfect solution—a DIY hair mask! Hair masks are a great way to revitalize and keep your hair happy and healthy. Commercial masks can cost a hefty penny, so we’ve compiled a list of our 4 favorite homemade masks for you to try. By combining natural oils, creams, and fruits from around your home, you can easily create a quick mixture to nourish your hair.

Coconut & Olive Oil Mask for Dry Hair

Combine 2 US tbsp (30 mL) of coconut oil and 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of olive oil in a small bowl. Coconut and olive oil are light, natural products that help moisturize dry hair and make it look shinier. Mix both in a bowl to get the most out of these hydrating ingredients. For longer hair, add more of each ingredient, keeping them in a 2:1 proportion. Coconut oil is a perfect hair mask ingredient for dry hair because it softens and conditions your hair.

Add ⁄2 c (120 mL) of honey to moisturize your hair. Honey is another natural product that adds hydration. Pour the honey into your mixture and stir well until everything’s combined. Keep in mind that honey can subtly lighten your hair color if you leave it on for an extended period of time or mix it with other lighteners like peroxide. If you want to avoid this, leave out the honey or choose a different mask.

Comb the mixture gently into your hair. Use your hands to coat your hair with the mixture, then comb it through the strands with a wide-toothed comb. Make sure to apply the mask from the roots of your hair to the very tips. Focus on coating the ends, as this is typically the most dry and damaged part of your hair.

Cover your hair with a shower cap and let it sit for 15 minutes. Pin your hair up or twist it into a loose bun, then slip a shower cap on top to lock in the moisture. Wait 15 to 30 minutes to let the mask fully soak in. If you plan on rinsing the mask out in the shower, start the water and wash your face and body while you wait.

Apply heat to help the mask penetrate your hair. If desired, use a hair dryer to heat your hair. This doesn’t speed up the drying time, but it can help activate the mask’s ingredients. Aim the dryer at your hair for a few minutes to open the hair cuticles so the moisturizing ingredients soak into your hair more easily.

Rinse the mask out in the shower and condition it as normal. Wash out the mask in the shower with shampoo, then condition your hair to help lock in that moisture. Use this mask once a week to ensure your hair stays healthy and smooth. Skip the shampoo if your hair is really dry, as shampooing could draw out the moisture you just added in. Instead, wait another day or two before giving your scalp a good scrub.

Avocado, Egg Yolk & Honey Mask for Frizzy Hair

Mix ½ of an avocado and an egg yolk together. Slice a ripe avocado in half and scoop out the flesh. Mash it with a spoon or fork, then combine it in a small bowl with an egg yolk. Avocados and egg yolks both have moisturizing properties that can help tame curls and frizz while protecting hair follicles. If you have longer hair, opt for 2 egg yolks rather than 1. For a smoother texture, mix your ingredients with a blender or food processor.

Add 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of honey and 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of coconut oil for shine. Adding a spoonful of honey and coconut oil can make your hair shinier and add more moisture. Stir them into your avocado and egg mixture, making sure to loosen up the honey and incorporate it fully. Honey may subtly lighten your hair, so avoid using it if you don’t want to alter your hair color. If you don’t have coconut oil, no worries! Substitute it with extra virgin olive oil.

Stir in ⁄2 c (120 mL) of mayonnaise if you have kinky hair. Putting mayonnaise in your hair might sound a little strange, but this condiment is full of healthy proteins to keep your curls strong and shiny without added grease. Simply add the mayo to your avocado and egg yolk mixture and mix it until everything is well combined.

Apply the mask and let it sit under a shower cap for 20 minutes. Use your hands to scoop the mask onto your hair, then coat each strand by running a wide-toothed comb through them. Then pin up or tie back your hair loosely and cover it with a shower cap for 15 to 20 minutes. Remember to apply the mask all over your hair, from roots to tips.

Rinse your hair with cool water, then shampoo and condition. Once you’ve let your mask soak in, get in the shower and rinse it out with very cool water (to prevent the egg from cooking in your hair). Then, wash your hair with warm water and a cleansing shampoo, and condition it to remove all the product and revitalize your curls. Apply your mask about once a week for healthy, bouncy curls.

Lemon Juice & Egg White Mask for Oily Hair

Combine 1 egg white and half the juice of a lemon in a bowl. To get rid of built-up grease and grime, separate the egg white from 1 egg and place it into a bowl. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the bowl, and stir until well combined. Believe it or not, the protein enzymes in egg whites and citric acid in lemons can help break down and remove excess oil in your hair. Egg whites have also been proven to increase hair growth and improve overall hair health.

Smooth the mixture over damp hair. Brush out your hair to remove any tangles. Then, spritz your hair with water until it’s damp, or wet your hair in the shower. Use your hands to spoon the mixture onto your head. Comb the mask through your hair, making sure to coat everything from the roots to the scalp. Pile your covered hair onto your scalp, secure it with a claw clip, or drape a towel over your shoulders to keep long hair from touching your clothing later. Stay out of the sun when wearing this hair mask, as the lemon juice could be activated by the sun’s UV rays and lighten your hair color.

Leave the mask in for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water. Set a timer for 30 minutes and wait. Once the timer dings, it’s time to remove the mask—it’s done its oil-removing magic! Step in the shower and rinse the mask out with cold water, as warm or hot water could cook the egg whites. Wash your hair with shampoo after removing the mask to ensure all the egg whites and lemon juice are gone. Consider conditioning your hair as usual to help lock in moisture so your oil-free hair looks shiny and healthy.

Strawberry & Mayo Mask for Dull Hair

Mash up 8 fresh strawberries and add 2 US tbsp (30 mL) of mayonnaise. Chop your strawberries with a knife, then use a fork to mash them up until they’re a jam-like consistency. Add the mayo into the strawberry puree and mix until a pinkish cream forms. Use a blender or food processor for an even smoother mixture. Strawberries help revitalize your hair, while mayo adds moisture without extra grease, making this DIY mask perfect for those wanting shiny and smooth hair.

Add 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of coconut oil and 1 US tbsp (15 mL) of honey for shine. Adding a spoonful of coconut oil and honey can help your hair look even shinier. These natural humectants can also help lock in moisture, keeping your hair from getting too dry while you remove its excess oil. Simply add the honey and coconut oil to your cream mixture, and stir until well combined. Honey can subtly lighten your hair color if you leave it on for a long time. Leave out the honey or choose a different mask if you want to avoid the lightening action.

Apply the mask to wet hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly in the shower or sink before applying the mask. Then, use your hands or a spoon to scoop the mask onto your hair, and comb it through from root to tip with a wide-toothed comb.

Let the mask sit for 15 minutes before rinsing and washing it out. Give your hair about 15 minutes to soak up the mask. Then, rinse it out with warm water and wash and condition your hair as normal. Use this creamy mask once a week to keep your hair shiny and oil-free.

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