The Top Emojis a Girl Will Use if She Likes You
The Top Emojis a Girl Will Use if She Likes You
What does it mean when a girl sends you an emoji? If you can’t tell whether she’s flirting or not, read on to check our guide on interpreting what those mysterious symbols can mean and the best ways to respond. From the most for-sure flirty emojis to the ones that could mean she just likes you as a friend, we’ve compiled a decoded list to help you figure out what she might be saying!

Winking face ????

She’s sending you a flirty vibe. A standard winking face with one closed eye and a smile tends to be flirtier than the funny winking face with its tongue out (????). A winking face that has a stuck-out tongue could signal she’s just being silly. Respond by keeping the conversation light and playful. Send a meme or continue teasing her or joking with her. For a flirty response, reply with a text that says, “???? Stop distracting me! I’m busy.” You could also send something like, “????” to play it cool or “????” to be a little sassy.

Smiling and blushing face ????

A blushing emoji means she likes you enough to want to get to know you more. If you sent her a flirty text and she sends a ???? back, that’s a great sign she’s into you. Interpret this wholesome emoji as a message that she likes the conversation or something you’ve said. Whatever you’re talking about is making her feel warm and fuzzy inside! Send back an equally cute hug emoji (????) or a text like “I can’t stop thinking about you!” To step up your flirting game try saying, “Oo I made you blush!” For a friendly vibe, reply with something like, “Aw you’re sweet.” If she sends you a ???? emoji, treat it as the more intense version of the blushing face and a clear sign she likes you.

Hug emoji ????

The hug emoji shows care, but she might not be trying to be flirty. Remember, when it comes to emojis, context is everything! Ask yourself whether the girl is trying to show support or affection or whether she’s flirting. Send back a text like, “I wish I could hug you IRL!” If you’re not sure what to reply, mirror whatever emojis she sends. In this case, you’d send back a hug.

Laughing emoji ????

You’ve done a great job showing off your sense of humor. When you get a laughing emoji from a girl, it means that she’s amused and having a good time chatting with you. However, the laughing emoji is one of the most commonly used emojis, and it doesn’t have a specific flirty association. Try sending a text back like, “I’m glad someone appreciates my sense of humor ????.”

Smirking emoji ????

Your conversation might be heating up. The smirking emoji can signal a flirty, seductive text, but she might also use it after a sarcastic comment or teasing joke. Don’t confuse the smirking emoji ???? (a half-smile with raised eyebrows) with the unamused emoji ???? (which has similar eyebrows, but a downturned, dissatisfied mouth). Throw in a few flirty emojis for her in your response, like ????????????. Try sending back a flirty message like, “So where are we going tonight?”

Kissy lips ????

You just got a virtual smooch! This one’s definitely a flirty message that means she might even want to kiss you in real life. Send back a blushing face (????) or a blushing kissy face emoji (????). For a flirtier response, try sending ???? or ???? if you’re feeling smooth. If you’d like to meet up or take her on a date, ask her out by saying, “Hey, do you want to grab dinner on Friday?”

Blushing kissy face ????

This is the most intimate of the kissy face emojis. When a girl uses this emoji, it shows that she’s comfortable with you and things are getting romantic, too! Respond with something sweet and genuine, like a compliment. Don’t overthink it! You can respond with a text like, “You really are amazing” or “I love how you make me laugh.” Try a sweet text in response like, “Stop, you’re making me blush!” or “My stomach’s got ???????????? now.” You can even respond with a blushing smiling face emoji (????) or a heart eyes emoji (????).

Kissy face with a heart ????

This one is a great sign that she likes you! It’s a “cuter” take on the kissy face, and you’ll likely get this emoji from a girl who wants to express affection. She might also use it to respond to a compliment as a way to exaggerate her thanks. You can respond with a cute message like, “Does that mean you miss me?” Ask her to hang out with you by saying something like, “So when do I get to see you again?” You can also send ???? to show her you’d kiss her back!

Heart eyes ????

You probably sent her something that made her smile. This one can be tricky, though! Heart eyes show that she’s into the conversation and wants to express affection or enthusiasm (either for you or for a specific text). Since some people commonly use this emoji to mean “I love that,” you shouldn’t assume she has a crush on you. However, you should totally keep the conversation going, because heart eyes are a good sign she likes talking to you. Send her an emoji back like ???? or ????.

Two revolving hearts ????

These are the flirtiest out of the emoji hearts. She’s more likely to use these in the early stages of flirting to show that she really likes you. She might also send two static hearts, which are less popular for romantic texts and commonly used in friendships. When in doubt, just mirror her emoji usage and send two revolving hearts (????) back. Orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple hearts signify a less-committed display of affection. Your crush might feel like a red heart or pink heart is too romantic for right now. Don’t worry, keep talking to her and you might get a two revolving hearts emoji!

Red heart ❤️

Interpret this one within the context of your conversation. If she sends it to you randomly or while you’re flirting, she’s likely showing affection, since a red heart is the classic symbol of romance. However, if you’re talking about school, work, or favorite movies, she could just be using the red heart to mean “I love that.” If you think she’s being flirty, try sending back a sweet text like, “I miss you.” If you think she’s just being friendly, send back a neutral emoji like ????.

Rose emoji ????

This one’s a classic romantic gesture in emoji form. When you get a rose emoji, consider it the virtual equivalent of receiving a flower in real life! She’s likely romantically interested in you. You can send back a blushing face emoji (????) to show your thanks. For an over-the-top flirty response, try “???????????? I brought you a whole bouquet.”

Rainbow emoji ????

She might use this to emoji to refer to the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re a girl or non-binary person and you receive this emoji from a girl, she might be letting you know she’s interested. On the flip side, anyone can use this emoji just to say something’s beautiful or amazing, so be careful not to assume how your crush identifies based on which emojis they use. If you’re not sure whether she’s being flirty or friendly, send back a ???? emoji since it’s positive but still not obviously flirtatious.

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