Anand draws yet again, maintains lead
Anand draws yet again, maintains lead
At the halfway stage, Anand, who started with a loss is now one game up and leads the match 3.5-2.5.

Sofia: A third Catalan in as many white games for defending champion Viswanathan Anand saw a 56-move game draw that saw the Indian maintain his one-point lead over challenger Veselin Topalov in the World Chess Championship here Saturday.

At the halfway stage, Anand, who started with a loss is now one game up and leads the match 3.5-2.5. Topalov won the first game and then lost the second and fourth games.

Following their previous even-numbered games, the rivals went through the Catalan opening once again. It was a brave attempt by Topalov, considering that Anand had won the previous two Catalan games in this match.

Then Topalov came into the very variation that had cost him the point in the second game, but this time he had a slight advantage - he went awry in the 25th move of the second game.

Anand did play provocatively and then tried to steer the game into an early endgame, at which he is rather good. But Topalov desisted.

Anand did try to disturb Black’s a-pawn and went looking for the opportunity to bring the Rook down the c-file, possibly attacking the Bishop or pawn. But Topalov was once again upto it.

Then a bit later Anand exchanged Black's one Bishop and reduced the potential of Black and tried to attack the weaker d4-pawn.

But Topalov managed to stay clear of trouble and the game moved towards a draw.

The two reached a very equal position by the 58th move and a draw was declared.

With the fifth and sixth games drawn, the two players retire for their next rest day before resuming their seventh game.

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