Britain spies the most on web users: Google
Britain spies the most on web users: Google
Britain requests the maximum details about internet users than any other country.

London: Britain requests the maximum details about internet users than any other country, internet giant Google has said.

A report by the search engine revealed that British law enforcement officials and government agencies made 1,162 requests for data from the company in just six months, the Daily Mail reported.

According to population, Britain is second in a table of 26 developed countries.

Singapore topped the list, Australia came third and France came fourth. The US was fifth with 4,601 requests in the second half of last year.

"We hope this tool will shine some light on the appropriate scope and authority of government requests to obtain user data around the globe," Google said in a statement.

"Requests may ask for data about a number of different users or just one user... we disclose only the information we believe we are legally required to share," it said.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Britain asked Google to remove content 38 times.

Germany had 118 content removal requests while Brazil - which topped the table - had 263.

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