Delhi on Wednesday made face masks mandatory once again and re-imposed a fine of Rs 500 for ditching the face covering as a surge in Covid-19 cases added to fears of a possible fourth wave of coronavirus in the national capital as well as the country.
India has been witnessing a surge in the virus graph over the past few days, with experts attributing the uptick to dilution of the mask rule, reopening of schools and increased social and economic activities.
A day after India saw a 90 per cent jump in daily cases, the health ministry on Tuesday directed three states and the union territory of Delhi to enforce adherence to Covid-appropriate behaviour with particular emphasis on wearing masks in crowded areas.
Here’s a look at which other states have brought back the mask mandate:
- Uttar Pradesh: The Yogi Adityanath government on Monday announced that it will make the wearing of face masks mandatory in seven towns of the state, which include state capital Lucknow. UP government has made use of masks mandatory in public places in Gautam Buddh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Hapur, Meerut, Bulandshahr, Baghpat and Lucknow.
- The chief minister asked officials to identify people in these districts who have not been fully vaccinated yet and administer the COVID vaccine to them on priority.
- Haryana: The Haryana and Chandigarh administration has also made it compulsory to wear face masks in public places to contain the spread of the infection. The Haryana government on Monday made the wearing of a face mask mandatory in four districts falling in the National Capital region. This includes Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonipat and Jhajjar.
- Chandigarh: Residents of Chandigarh have been advised to wear face masks in crowded places and ensure they follow Covid-19 protocol while traveling by public transport, inside cinema halls, shopping malls, and departmental stores, classrooms and indoor gatherings.
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