Indians in Malaysia fighting for rights: activist
Indians in Malaysia fighting for rights: activist
The chairman of Hindu Rights Group says the struggle for rights will continue.

Ethnic Indians in Malaysia plan to continue their protests against alleged racial discrimination in that country. CNN-IBN spoke to Y K Murthy, the chairman of Hindu Rights Group in Malaysia. He said his group had submitted a charter of 18 demands to the government.

CNN-IBN: Sir what is it that you plan to do immediately?

Y K Murthy We are now planning to go on an international lobby to lobby for the international committee for the cause and the plight of the minority Indians facing humiliation.

CNN-IBN: Sir don’t you think that it would be wiser to wait for them as the Malaysian government is now forming a committee to look into this?

Y K Murthy The Committee is just to pacify the people temporarily. They have always done this but we will not be duped into this. We will continue with our struggle.

CNN-IBN: Do you also intend to get into the political scene? Do you think that could make a difference?

Y K Murthy No, we have always maintained that our organisation is a non-political organisation. We will maintain our cause along those lines. We do not have political intentions.

CNN-IBN: What is it that you expect out of the whole thing? What is that you hope to do and achieve?

Y K Murthy We hope that the government will listen to the 18 demands that we have submitted to the government on July 27 and that they come out with a complete solution that we have for from them.

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