KKNPP issue: PMANE to meet Jayalalithaa today
KKNPP issue: PMANE to meet Jayalalithaa today
The Tamil Nadu CM called the representatives after receiving a report on the safety of the plant from an experts panel...

CHENNAI/NAGERCOIL: Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa called representatives of People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) for a meeting on Wednesday after receiving a report on the safety of the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) from a four-member state experts’ committee on Tuesday.PMANE convenor S P Udayakumar told reporters in Nagercoil he would attend the meeting along with activist M Pushparayan, advocate Siva Subramanian from Koodankulam and Dr Ramesh from Coimbatore. Asked what they proposed to discuss with the CM, Udayakumar said he would be able say that only after the meeting.Speaking to the media in Chennai, members of the expert committee, Prof S Iniyan and nuclear scientist M R Srinivasan, dropped hints to suggest that their report reflected the views they expressed in Tirunelveli after visiting the nuclear plant site a week ago. Prof Iniyan, the convenor, had said the plant was completely safe. After a 30-minute meeting with the CM at the Secretariat on Tuesday, Srinivasan emphasised that whatever he said earlier on the plant’s safety held good now. Asked if the team had set any time frame to implement their recommendations, he said that was beyond their mandate. “We have submitte­d our report. Let the government take a cool view of it and take a decision,” Srinivasan added. He refused to divulge the contents of the report.Wednesday’s meeting could signal the end of the seven-month standoff over KKNPP. For, this is the first time PMANE representative­s would meet the CM after the protest against the plant began in August last year.

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