Mumbaikars join hands online to help each other
Mumbaikars join hands online to help each other
Resourceful citizens of the Maximum City logged online to extend a helping hand.

New Delhi: Three bomb blasts struck Mumbai and resilient and resourceful citizens of the Maximum City logged online to extend a helping hand.

Twitter was flooded with tweets from people offering a ride, food, overnight stay for stranded people and blood donation. The hashtag #here2help was one of the top Twitter trends on 13 July.

An online Google Docs spreadsheet set up by Nitin Sagar from New Delhi is also being massively shared. The document titled 'Mumbai Help' lists all points of contact for help. The document can be accessed here.

This isn't the first time that Mumbai has found succour online in its hour of distress. During the 26 July 2005 Mumbai floods, some tech savvy Mumbaikars got together and set up a blog,, to help people with information during the deluge.

Twitter and other online services also served as important communication tools during the 26/11 terror attacks in 2008.

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