Prayers, feasts and family
Prayers, feasts and family
BANGALORE: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is about a lot of things purity, happiness, togetherness, charity, ..

BANGALORE: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan, is about a lot of things — purity, happiness, togetherness, charity, good food and above all, acceptance. Eid ul Fitr is a festival which ushers in the message of universal brotherhood and compassion to fellow human beings.Said, Dr Ayesha Nikhat, an educationist, “Id al-Fitr often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). Eid is an Arabic word meaning ‘festivity,’ while Fitr means ‘breaking (the fast)’. The celebration is the conclusion of the twenty nine or thirty days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fitr Salat (Namaz in Persian) is a Wajib (obligation).”According to Nikhat, Muslims are commanded by God in the Qur’an to complete their fast until the last day of Ramadan and pay the Zakat al-fitr before doing the Eid prayer. Zakat al-Fitr is charity given to the poor at the end of the fasting in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. “Zakat al-Fitr is to provide the poor with a means with which they can celebrate the festival of breaking the fast (Eid al-Fitr) along with the rest of the Muslims,” she added.The significant role played by Zakat in the circulation of wealth within the Islamic society is also played by the Sadaqat al-Fitr. However, in the case of Sadaqat al-Fitr, each individual is required to calculate how much charity is due from himself and his dependents, and go into the community in order to find those who deserve such charity. Thus, Sadaqat al-Fitr plays a very important role in the development of the bonds of community. The rich are obliged to come in direct contact with the poor, and the poor are put in contact with the extremely poor. This contact between the various levels of society helps to build real bonds of brotherhood and love within the Islamic community and trains those who have, to be generous to those who do not have.Zakat-al-Fitr is the same as that of Zakah, and is included within its broader sense. Those who may receive Zakat al-Fitr are the eight categories of recipients mentioned in Surat Al-Tawbah, [9: 60]. They include the poor, the needy, collectors of Zakah, reconciliation of hearts, freeing captives/slaves (fee al-Riqab), debtors in the Way of Allah, the traveller.Zakat al-Fitr must go to the above-mentioned categories. The Zakat al-mal cannot be used for any other such things either. Muslims understand the value of contentment in the holy month of Ramadan through fasting, prayer, alms and other good deeds. This learning serves as inspiration throughout the year.Ruksana Hassan, a counselor handling de-addiction and rehabilitation of addicts of alcohol and drugs said that Ramdan and Eid ul Fitr inspire people to build a strong society based on peaceful co-existence, communal harmony, compassion for fellow human beings and universal brotherhood.“A Muslim cuts down all his desires to meet the Almighty, the one who gives everyone happiness. Each prayer is heard and effort rewarded. After several days and nights of blessings, the  Almighty bestows upon us the special day, Eid, where all his blessings at once are poured down upon us. Eid is a day where people set out on a journey to get themselves eternal happiness, and to thank the Almighty,” Ruksana explained.During the festival of Eid ul-Fitr, Muslims celebrate the end of fasting and thank Allah for the help and strength given to them throughout the previous month. Muslims celebrate by gathering with friends and family, preparing sweet delicacies, wearing new clothes, giving each other gifts and putting up lights and other decorations in their homes. “People of different faiths exchange pleasantries and sweets, thus reinforcing that all religion preach brotherhood and camaraderie,” Ruksana said.

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