Safety valve stolen from SHAR
Safety valve stolen from SHAR
NELLORE: In what could be an indication of a serious security lapse, a safety relieve valve from the rocket launch pad weighing ab..

NELLORE: In what could be an indication of a serious security lapse, a safety relieve valve from the rocket launch pad weighing about 25 kg was smuggled out of the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR in Sriharikota in the district. Later, the valve was found near a bus stop in DRDL Colony at Sullurpeta.Though the incident occurred on Friday, it came to light on Monday night.According to information reaching here, unidentified persons smuggled out the valve in a four-wheeler reportedly hired by the SDSC and threw it near the bus stand in DRDL Colony in Sullurpeta on November 18.The police on coming to know about the incident suspected that the valve could be from the space centre and informed the officials concerned.SHAR controller VG Bhooma and CISF commandant Sridhar visited the place and took the safety valve to the space centre for examination.Scientists reportedly confirmed that it was indeed the safety relieve valve used to cap the container of CS-4 liquid filled in rockets prior to their launch. An internal inquiry has been ordered into the incident.However, SHAR officials were unavailable for comment.The theft of the safety relieve valve is raising serious concerns over the security at the SHAR as persons who smuggled out this 25-kg valve had to undergo several levels of checking at the two gates before coming out of the space centre. Sources said that the miscreants who could go to the launch pad for removing the valve indicates a clear security lapse.The theft was the third within a span of year.

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