'Study of History Should be Freed from Biases,' Says Tushar Singh Who Scored 100% in CBSE Class 12 Exam
'Study of History Should be Freed from Biases,' Says Tushar Singh Who Scored 100% in CBSE Class 12 Exam
Tushar's photo with his family and a picture of BR Ambedkar in the background has gone viral on social media.

Uttar Pradesh student Tushar Singh, who scored a cent percent in the recently declared CBSE Class 12 exams, has an avid interest in history and believes that it should be accepted instead of trying to alter it. This 18-year-old humanities student of Delhi Public School in Bulandshahr, scored a whopping 500 out of 500 marks in his board examination this year.

He sat for for four of his papers – Political Science, History, English and Physical Education – but had to miss the Geography exam, which was cancelled due to Covid-19.

Tushar's photo with his family and a picture of BR Ambedkar in the background has gone viral on social media. "I am an introvert and this was one moment I felt nervous. Everyone is happy at home. I have learnt all about BR Ambedkar from my father, and his fight for the rights of the oppressed. In future I would like to study him on my own, develop my own understanding of Ambedkar,” he said.

He is preparing to graduate in History honours. His parents Om Prakash Singh and Kiran Bharti are academics in Economics but Singh has ardent inclination towards History, which he wants to pursue further. He aspires to start his blog on the subject where he will post interesting and lesser known stories of past rulers and conquerors. "My views on history are firm. It is written by the rulers and we must not try to change anything in it. We should accept our historical facts and let the truth be established. If there is room for it then remove the biases," he said.

Touching upon few topics of interest, Tushar said, "I would explore Ghenghis Khan. I have read that he planted trees wherever he went and as a result it helped control carbon footprints. He attacked in winters when frozen rivers served as highway."

On why he did not chose Economics as one of his subjects, he said, "For me History is about events and stories, Economics was mechanical for me. Also I find political theory difficult."

He studied six hours daily and skipped his fitness regime to achieve this result.

"I want to sit for UPSC because I want to change the society. I will look into human resource development. Our country won’t be developed if we don’t look at our population as an asset rather than liability. Japan's model can be studied in understanding the population.” His most memorable moment is when he got a scholar batch in class 11th examination. “I was awarded for performance and I would like to do better from here on.”

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