Telgi sentenced to life in stamp paper scam
Telgi sentenced to life in stamp paper scam
Abdul Karim Telgi has been convicted for forgery, counterfeiting and cheating in the multi-crore stamp paper scam.

Mumbai: Abdul Karim Telgi has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for forgery, counterfeiting and cheating in the multi-crore stamp paper scam by a Mumbai sessions court on Wednesday. Along with him three policemen - KK Parmar, AB Sonwalkar and Ganpat Jadhav - have also been convicted for insubordination, abetting and allowing Telgi to flee.

Appearing on video conference from a jail in Bangalore Telgi said, "I have good faith in the judiciary. I am suffering from diabetes, heart disease, kidney problem and both my legs are paralysed. I need an urgent kidney operation. My health is deteriorating day by day. My wife is ill and on the death bed. My only daughter is of marriageable age and no other male member in my family. I pray for minimum sentence. I am penniless cannot pay the fine. I have been in judicial custody since November 7, 2011. I pray for leniency."

Earlier, the Mumbai sessions court rejected an application to make Union Science and Technology Minister and Congress leader Vilasrao Deshmukh a co-accused in the multi-crore stamp paper scam.

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