The power of a slick-talker
The power of a slick-talker
CHENNAI: Anne Shirley could talk a hind leg off of a mule, thats certain. Oh, wouldnt that be a change around here?: Marilla Cut..

CHENNAI: Anne Shirley could talk a hind leg off of a mule, that’s certain. Oh, wouldn’t that be a change around here?: Marilla Cuthbert, Anne of the Green Gables (1985 movie), LM Montgomery.It was one of those scorching afternoons (are there ever any other kind?) when cows lie in the shade exhausted, dogs are panting, crows drowse and humans slave away at computers in air-conditioned rooms, wondering if it’s worth it all. But, time for a break. Which meant watching Anne of the Green Gables, the classic tale of Anne Shirley, a young girl in Prince Edward Island, Canada, who comes to the elderly Cuthbert siblings from an asylum — and due to her sparkling (and incredibly talkative personality), makes a place for herself in their hearts. Idly, I wondered at the relevance of donkeys, mules and other pack animals in connection to Anne, and why she could talk the hind legs off them, anyway. I’d found that there were dozens of variations on the theme: apparently, people talked the hind legs off mules, donkeys, asses, dogs, cats. Of course, the general meaning of it was clear — it meant a person who talked and talked endlessly. Still, it didn’t explain.A knock on the door. A sales representative, clad in sticky white shirt, black pants and mandatory bag, mopped his sweaty face, and looked at me hopefully. “Encyclopedia, madam?”Now, I freely admit that I’m a pack-rat. Everything from post-cards for my cousin’s wedding 15 years ago, to a random Zandu Balm advertisement fills my shelves — and that includes about five different encyclopedia collections. Blue-backed ones, olive green volumes, red, black — you name it, I have it. Even a multi-coloured one with parakeets on it. So no, I didn’t really want another encyclopedia collection. Not even if it came with interactive CDs, 3-D birds and pretty pictures. “But children will like it, madam. Very useful for knowledge, no?” asked the sales representative again, now considerably revived, after a glass of water and a high-speed fan.I duly pointed out that there were no little feet pattering about the house. “But you yourself will be finding it useful, no?” he pursued, pointing at my laptop. “So much information in it, madam.”I pointed out, again, that Google solved more mysteries than could be found on Earth, which was when the power blinked out. Wholesale. Fifteen minutes later, he left, a grin almost splitting his face. And I had a sixth encyclopedic collection weighing my arms. With interactive CDs and 3-D birds.Oh yeah, that phrase about hind-legs and mules? Here’s another explanation: someone who’s such a slick-talker that he can talk a mule into giving away its hind-legs — its most powerful limb. Sigh. Anyone want a brand-new encyclopedic collection?

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