Vulgar dance staged to welcome Botcha
Vulgar dance staged to welcome Botcha
VISAKHAPATNAM: The Congress supporters and local people, who had turned up in good number to welcome newly appointed PCC president..

VISAKHAPATNAM: The Congress supporters and local people, who had turned up in good number to welcome newly appointed PCC president Botcha Satyanarayana during his maiden visit to the city after assuming party post, had a shock of their life when they found a group of men dressed in women attire performing vulgar dance on a stage at NAD Junction in the city on Saturday.According to party sources, some overenthusiastic leaders organised the show for entertainment of the people and Congress followers. A group of men wearing petticoat and saree and salwar kameez were dancing to the tune of an orchestra played by a local troupe.But what was planned to be entertainment turned out to be an eyesore.The irritating part was vulgar poses and gestures made by the dancers.While a section of crowd seemed to enjoy the show, most people expressed their displeasure about the arrangement.The locals said such shows are detrimental to the norms of a civilised society and can trigger a law and order situation. Surprisingly, though there is a police outpost nearby and a large number of police forces were deployed at the spot, nobody tried to stop the show.

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