Wikileaks Cablegate: Sanctions and German business interests in India
Wikileaks Cablegate: Sanctions and German business interests in India
The latest WikiLeaks expose of classified US documents include many with an India connection.


Reference ID: 09BERLIN1577

Date: 2009-12-14 07:07

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Origin: Embassy Berlin




DE RUEHRL #1577/01 3480754


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C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 BERLIN 001577


E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/15/2019




Classified By: Ambassador Philip D. Murphy for reasons 1.4 b/d.

¶1. (C) SUMMARY. Chancellor Merkel set the German agenda on

Iran with her early November statement before the U.S.

Congress on "zero tolerance" for a nuclear armed Iran and the

need for tougher sanctions should engagement not work.

During a private roundtable hosted by Ambassador Murphy,

however, members of Germany's Iran "brain-trust" from the

German Parliament, MFA, Ministry of Economics and top

government funded think tank welcomed the President's

engagement policy, recommended broadening the dialogue to

areas of cooperation (drugs, Afghanistan, diplomatic

relations), betrayed little beyond a superficial knowledge of

the nuclear program, argued that Germany took the largest

economic hit from recent sanctions, and expressed doubts as

to the efficacy of sanctions, giving us a window into the

difficult task Chancellor Merkel will have in keeping her

government on her page. In the end, we assess that Merkel

will have her way. END SUMMARY.

¶2. (C) The November 24 event at the Embassy included members

of Parliament from the four main German political parties:

FDP Elke Hoff, CDU Andreas Schockenhoff, Greens Kerstin

Mueller, and SPD Rolf Muetzenich. From the MFA, Policy

Planner Markus Ederer, DG for Economics Ruediger von Fritsch,

DG for Disarmament and Nonproliferation Amb. Peter Gottwald,

and Iran Task Force Director Andreas Krueger attended.

Ministry of Economics DG for External Economic Policy

Karl-Ernst Brauner and the Director of the German government

funded research institute Stiftung fuer Wissenschaft und

Politik (SWP, or Institute for Science and Politics) Volker

Perthes also attended.


MFA: TRR Not Dead Yet; But Not Well Either


¶3. (C) The Ambassador opened the discussion by thanking the

German government for its excellent cooperation on Iran and

asked his guests to share their thoughts on the Iranian

internal situation, especially given recent reports of the

expanded role of the IRGC in the cultural/educational spheres

of life, and how that might affect Iran's external policy.

MFA DG for Disarmament Gottwald stated that if we were

correct in assessing the Iranian regime's primary goal to be

survival, then we still had a chance with a negotiated

solution. He said that while the Tehran Research Reactor

(TRR) deal was not "well," Germany wasn't ready to pronounce

it "dead" quite yet. He concluded with a strong statement

saying that a nuclear armed Iran would be a nightmare in and

of itself and a disastrous blow to the NPT regime which was

why Germany would be a strong partner in support of further


¶4. (C) MFA Policy Planer Ederer said he thought Iran was

confused about what it wants and that the West might be even

more confused about how to get what we want. He said we want

Iranian behavior change, but we don't agree yet what will get

us there. He said UN sponsored sanctions would isolate Iran

and limit its capacity, but questioned whether they would

change Tehran's behavior. He said he realized sanctions

remained a good alternative to military action, but

questioned whether they were really capable of anything other

than just buying time.


More Carrots before we Reach for the Sticks


¶5. (C) SWP's Perthes argued Iranian Supreme Leader

Khamenei's primary interest was to maintain the security of

the system and prevent regime change. Perthes said Khamenei

feared a velvet revolution over all else, though regional

instability was a close second. He noted Iran remained

besieged by problems of drug smuggling, piracy, and

instability in Pakistan. He recommended more emphasis be

placed on trying to find an incentive for the regime to

cooperate on the regional track, which had already shown some

progress. He said the April 2009, 300 million dollar Iranian

pledge at the Pakistan donor's conference was an important

symbol of the value the regime placed on regional security.

He suggested the West "broaden" relations with Iran to areas

where cooperation could be had: drugs, Afghanistan, and

diplomatic (especially Consular) ties. POL M/C noted this

was fine, but ignored the fact that time was not on our side.

Rather, Iran was installing new centrifuges each week. If

Iran wanted to build confidence or "broaden" relations, it

could modulate that pace, but time was not a luxury we had.

Gottwald agreed emphatically.

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¶6. (C) Changing course, Perthes said that if "sticks" had to

be used, he suggested more focus on "export-control" and less

on sanctions. He noted evidence suggested export control

regimes had already worked in slowing down centrifuge

progress. He concluded by saying that if sanctions must be

used, we should avoid all use of the word "crippling" and

instead focus on "targeted" sanctions in order not to turn

the Iranian masses against us and right back into

Ahmadinejad's hands. He also suggested that "unofficial"

sanctions such as Russia's decision not to sell the S300s

were more effective than most formal sanctions. If formal

sanctions had to be pursued he said only global sanctions

would be effective, and therefore advocated UNSC action.

Perthes said he saw readiness in the German business

community to accept financial loss if sanctions were truly

global, but they don't want to see business opportunities

being lost to China or India.

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Green Party : Too Late to Prevent, Need To Contain

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¶7. (C) From the opposition, Green Party Foreign Policy

Spokesperson Kerstin Mueller said she was glad that the new

U.S. administration no longer talked about a threat of a

military option. But she also said she was skeptical that

Iran can be prevented from obtaining a nuclear capability

without a military option, and that it might even be too late

for a military option to be effective. She said she didn't

see compromise within the interests of the regime and thought

the West should focus more attention on how to "control" a

nuclear-armed Iran.


FDP: Rank and File Grudging Partner on Iran?


¶8. (C) FDP Spokeswoman on Defense Policy, Elke Hoff opened

her remarks with a grudging acknowledgment of the coalition

agreement in which her party agreed that if engagement with

Iran on the nuclear dossier failed, sanctions would be

implemented. She added that she remained personally

skeptical as to their efficacy. She said additional

sanctions would serve the unintended consequence of rallying

the masses around Ahmadinejad.

¶9. (C) Hoff said she often hears from constituents in the

business community that German companies are getting

pressured from their American counterparts not to do business

in Iran, and yet they see plenty of U.S. products for sale in

Iran. Econ M/C intervened and stressed that the U.S. was

ready to prosecute any U.S. businesses in violation of U.S.

sanctions and had already done so. Hoff also suggested

offering German businesses financial compensation should new

sanctions come into play. In response to a criticism from

Hoff on whether the U.S. deadline created for engagement on

Iran reflected Obama's domestic political agenda, the

Ambassador emphasized the deep commitment of the

administration to engagement.


Germany is the Largest Loser


¶10. (C) MFA DG for Economics Von Fritsch agreed with

Perthes' suggestion to focus more on the carrots and not the

sticks. He noted that no single country has (recently)

sacrificed as much financially as Germany has, not just in

existing trade, but also in long term future contracts. Econ

M/C noted that U.S. business had also suffered enormous trade

and investment losses after 1979. Von Fritsch said if

sanctions were inevitable, German business preferred global

and clear sanctions as opposed to vague wording that can be

left open to differing interpretations. On correspondent

banking relations, Von Fritsch said the German government was

still examining the issue but that a complete severance of

correspondent banking relations including with Iran's central

bank would not be possible since it would amount to a total

trade embargo.

¶11. (C) Ministry of Economics DG for External Policy Brauner

referenced the inclusion in German law of the presumptive

right to trade, and said that he was concerned that what the

German Customs and BAFA (export control agency under the

Ministry of Economics) were doing to encourage "Nullbescheid"

(pre-certification that specific trade with Iran is not

illicit) might actually be illegal, as German business had

complained. He said one important consideration for Germany

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was that a further crackdown on trade with Iran could

endanger repayment of the 4.5 billion Euros in outstanding

credits that Iran owed Germany. Germany had agreed not to

issue any new credit under its Hermes (OPIC-like) program,

but expected to be able to collect on outstanding credits.

Nonetheless, both Brauner and Von Fritsch emphasized that in

the event of no progress in negotiations with Iran, Germany

was ready to enter a new round of stronger sanctions, and

that we should look to Chancellor Merkel's statements in the

U.S. Congress and FM Westerwelle's reiterations of her strong

policy as the final say on which direction Germany would go

on Iran.

¶12. (C) CONCLUSION. The majority of the guests at the table

distinctly deferred to Perthes for guidance on where the Iran

issue might be headed or should be headed. This was striking

amongst such a high ranking group of people operationally

involved with the Iran issue. Also illuminating was the

variety of talking points employed by the participants to

define hurdles for sanction until debunked one at a time by

Embassy officers. The candor with which even some MFA and

Ministry of Economics officials expressed their skepticism on

the efficacy of pursuing tougher sanctions on Iran may mean

that Merkel will have to press hard within her own government

to deliver on her promise of implementing tougher sanctions

should engagement with Iran fail. None of our interlocutors,

however, questioned whether Merkel would, at the end of the

day, be able to "deliver" on her promises. If and when we

decide to go forward on the pressure track on Iran, the USG

may wish to reinforce Merkel's position by showing

appreciation for Germany's strong continuing support. END



Reproduced from

List of India-related documents from the first batch of 226 documents released by WikiLeaks

(India-specific portions highlighted in bold)

- To avoid hurting Pakistan, Turkey didn't invite India

- Bahrain's King Hamad on India's role in Afghanistan

- UN Security Council expansion and India

- Indo-Pak relations and Musharraf

- Pakistan's obsession with India

- India critical of sanctions on Iran

- Saudi Arabia expanding relations with India

- 'Little to fear about India having nuclear weapons'

- Iran could follow India's path in going nuclear

- Differing opinions of US and India

- India benefitting from international security

- Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty and India

- Nuclear facility safeguards in India

- Israel-India strategic partnership

- Non-proliferation and India

- Indo-US trade relations and foreign aid

- Sanctions and German business interests in India

- Some Indian-origin people supplying equipment to Iran

- Germany on US-EU position towards India

- Israeli relations with India

- Reliance Industries oil and gas exploration

- US-Indian economic cooperation and Indo-Pak relations

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