2024 Is The Year Of Saturn. What To Expect In 2024?
2024 Is The Year Of Saturn. What To Expect In 2024?
Saturn, the planet linked with number 8, is often considered a taskmaster in astrology

The year 2024 is associated with the number 8, which is traditionally linked to Saturn. This connection is drawn from the practice of reducing multi-digit numbers to a single digit (2+0+2+4 = 8). In numerology, each number carries specific energies and attributes, and the influence of number 8 is no exception. This number is often associated with themes of karma, responsibility, financial gain, power, and inner strength.

Dr. Madhu Kotiya, Numerologist, Tarot mentor and Spiritual healer, says, “Saturn, the planet linked with number 8, is often considered a taskmaster in astrology. It represents discipline, structure, and hard work. The influence of Saturn is typically associated with facing reality, understanding the limitations of life, and learning tough lessons. However, it’s also about the rewards that come from perseverance and integrity.”

For individuals, the year 2024 as a number 8 year could bring about opportunities for growth in personal and professional realms. “This might be a year where hard work pays off, particularly for those who have been steadily building towards a goal. It could be a time where financial stability and material success are more achievable, but not without effort and discipline,” adds Dr Kotiya.

In a broader sense, the energy of number 8 could influence societies to focus on building sustainable structures, whether in economics, politics, or social systems. There might be a collective push towards establishing more stability and security, possibly after a period of upheaval or change.

Dr Kotiya opines, “On a personal level, 2024 might challenge individuals to step up and take responsibility for their actions and decisions. It could be a year where the consequences of past actions become apparent, urging people to live with integrity and honesty. This might also be a time for facing fears and overcoming obstacles through persistence and resilience.”

However, the influence of Saturn can also bring about feelings of restriction or limitations. “It might be a period where people feel tested, facing delays or obstacles that require patience and persistence to overcome. The key is to understand that these challenges are opportunities for growth and learning,” explains Dr Kotiya.

In relationships, the year might bring a focus on loyalty, commitment, and working through difficulties. It could be a time to solidify bonds and work on building strong, enduring connections.

“In conclusion, the year 2024 as a number 8 year in numerology, influenced by Saturn, is likely to be marked by themes of hard work, responsibility, and material success. It’s a year for building and consolidating, both in personal lives and in the wider world. While it may bring challenges and a sense of limitation, it also offers opportunities for significant growth and long-term rewards for those who are willing to put in the effort and maintain integrity,” signs off Dr Kotiya.

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