Happy Durga Puja 2019: Quotes and WhatsApp Greetings to Wish Your Loved Ones This Festive Season
Happy Durga Puja 2019: Quotes and WhatsApp Greetings to Wish Your Loved Ones This Festive Season
This festival greet your near and dear ones with hearty Durga Puja 2019 wishes.

Maa Durga has arrived to visit our land as it's time for devotees of the Goddess have already begun the celebrations. This divine festival of love, power and family, brings forth an occasion to celebrate humanity and the cultural heritage of the country.

This festival greet your near and dear ones with hearty Durga Puja 2019 wishes.

-May Maa Durga, protects our family from the evil and empower us with the light of knowledge and truth! Happy Durga Puja

-It’s time to welcome Maa Durga and thank her for all the special gifts we received this year. Let’s make this Durga Puja a great one to remember!

-Wishing colour, bliss and beauty to you this Durga Puja... Stay blessed!!

- May Goddess Durga bless you with lots of prosperity, happiness, wealth and good fortune. I wish your Durga Puja be full of joy.

- May Maa Durga give you the courage to fight all evils. Happy Durga Puja 2019!!

- May the divine mother empower you and your loved ones with her blessings on this Durga Puja. Wish you a very Happy Durga Puja!

- This Durga Puja, The sound of dhak seems to be out of rhythm.. because you are not with me. Thinking of you and missing you. Happy Durga Puja 2019!

- Sarva mangal manggalye, shive sarvaarth saadhike, sharannye tryambake gauri narayani namo-stu-te. With this prayer to Maa Durga, I wish you and your family a very auspicious and happy Durga Puja!

- May Lordess Durga destroys all evil from your life and blesses you with a happy and prosperous future. Happy Durga Puja!

- Om jayanti mangala kaali, bhadrakali kapaalini, durga shiva kshama dhatri, svaahaa svadhaa namo-stu-te. With salutation to Lordess Durga, who is ever victorious, I wish you and your family a very Happy Durga Puja 2019!

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