Mindfulness: Let’s Be A Child Again
Mindfulness: Let’s Be A Child Again
We grow up from a carefree childhood to a worried adolescence to even more worried younger days. In the process, our thoughts and beliefs change.

We grow up from a carefree childhood to a worried adolescence to even more worried younger days. In the process, our thoughts and beliefs change. We develop a common sense and a method to deal with people and problems around us.

It appears that important decisions are taken just like that, but the truth is far from it. Big ideas keep maturing inside our heads, long before we start implementing them. The mind prepares you, it develops your thought process, and then you think you have done it.

The thought of suicide is also like that. In my columns, I keep emphasizing on how you can understand your mind’s tricks. Being alert can save you and people around you.

It is necessary before making any opinion or decision about people that we verify the context. We must understand what is going inside our mind.

We are much impressed with others and impose them on our mind. Though mind opposes in such matters, but we don’t care. This is the cause of sudden anger. Old memories keep hammering your mind.

There is a huge gap between the desires and the needs, and we need to understand it for a peaceful existence. We need to be attentive, and constantly keep moving towards a better mindset.

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