Roaching is the New Dating Trend to Watch Out For
Roaching is the New Dating Trend to Watch Out For
Most of you must be aware of the terms ghosting, haunting, submarining, stashing, and, of course, kitten/cat fishing

When you spot a cockroach, it is probable that there are dozens more, close and out of sight. And, the very thought can be frightening, alarming, and downright disgusting. As if these unpleasant critters weren’t enough to deal with, there’s a new bug to worry about. Wait, before you think any further. This has nothing to do with reptiles or insects. Feeling better? We are talking about relationships. Most of you must be aware of the terms – ghosting, haunting, submarining, stashing, and, of course, kitten/cat fishing. And, now, we have a new trend that has created a lot of buzz. Any guesses? It’s roaching.

So, are you being roached? Check your metaphorical cupboards and crannies. But first, let’s discuss what this terrible dating trend truly implies.

What is Roaching?

Nowadays, there are terms for literally everything, and it has gotten to the point where you’ll need a millennial lexicon to understand the current dating games. Roaching is the latest addition in the dictionary of dating that we all should be aware of. When a person is having an intimate relationship with more than one human.

Are you being roached?

As terrible as it may sound, but secrecy lives in the heart of a Roacher. If you feel that you are being roached, here are some more signs to look for:

  • Unexplained disappearances
  • Unreachable for hours/days
  • Abandon plans with flimsy justifications
  • Rarely available
  • Social media updates from parties you aren’t aware of
  • Commitment issues
  • Unwilling to discuss exclusivity or a relationship.
  • Maintains distance

How do you handle the exclusivity talk?

Don’t rush, or try to push the ‘let’s be exclusive’ conversation out of fear, envy, or doubt. If someone is making you feel bad by confusing you, manipulating you, or being untrustworthy, don’t think about becoming exclusive as a quick remedy.

The only way to get rid of the roaches is to have the legendary “DTR” conversation. “Defining the relationship” may be unpleasant, and feelings might be hurt. It’s also not as much fun as a spontaneous date night. But it is as important as having pest control at your home. Remember, nothing comes above your mental and emotional stability, and if something is bothering you it’s important to have a talk rather than just waiting around.

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