World Toilet Day 2019: 10 Basic Etiquettes to Follow When Using a Public Restroom
World Toilet Day 2019: 10 Basic Etiquettes to Follow When Using a Public Restroom
As we celebrate the World Toilet Day today, here is a look at some of the common and basic etiquettes that one should follow when using a public restroom.

Few things in life do not need a set of rules and regulations. One of these things is personal hygiene. Sanitation might seem to be an easy word, however, a number of people are devoid of the basic facilities. To tackle the global sanitation crisis, World Toilet Day is celebrated on November 19 every year. The day also aims at achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which promises sanitation for all by 2030.

The day was established by the World Toilet Organization in 2001 and was officially adopted by the United Nations in 2013. As we celebrate the World Toilet Day today, here is a look at some of the common and basic etiquettes that one should follow:

1. Never leave the restroom dirty. Smelly toilets are big turn-offs. Always flush the toilet after using. If you see the seat to be dirty, inform the attendant.

2. While using, make sure that you have locked the door carefully. Similarly, if someone is inside, don’t peep under the doors or knock endlessly. Wait for your chance.

3. If you are female, avoid carrying handbags inside the washroom, as it is not hygienic to hang it or keep it somewhere, especially in public washrooms.

4. Do not wet the seat or throw water on the floor. It looks unhygienic and may lead to some unwanted smell. Make sure you have tissue paper and proper working flushes.

5. Make sure to wash your hand with an antiseptic soap or sanitizer every time you use the restroom.

6. This one does not need a mention, but a lot of people spit on the walls or write messages. Please avoid these.

7. Do not throw tissue paper in flush. Ask the attendant for a dustbin to throw the tissue paper. Before disposing off the sanitary napkins, make sure you have covered it well and leave it in the right bin.

8. Never leave the taps running in the washroom. Additionally, do not throw unwanted hair or soap wrappers in the washbasin.

9. If you are inside the washroom, make sure that you do not take a lot of time inside. Others might be in a queue.

10. Do not smoke in a public washroom, no matter how strong the urge is.

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