How Logan Became an Emotional Send-off for X-Men Characters The Wolverine and Prof X
How Logan Became an Emotional Send-off for X-Men Characters The Wolverine and Prof X
Patrick Stewart has played the role of Professor Charles Xavier (Prof X) in the X-Men films from 2000 to 2017. In an interview, he revealed his and Hugh Jackman's first reaction to watching 'Logan' (2017).

Now when the Marvel Cinematic Universe has the rights of the X-Men franchise, fans have been anticipating the crossover of characters across films. Former X-Men star Patrick Stewart has revealed that the characters are being discussed in depth.

Patrick Stewart is popularly known for having played the role of Professor Charles Xavier (Prof X) in the mutant-franchise film. The actor revealed to Digital Spy that he discussed the character of Prof X with MCU President Kevin Feige. While the news might excite fans, Stewart added that he would not be returning to play role of Prof X.

"I met with Kevin Feige a couple of months ago and we had long, long conversations. And there have been moves and suggestions, which include Charles Xavier. Here's the problem, if we had not made Logan, then yes, I would probably be ready to get into that wheelchair one more time and be Charles Xavier. But Logan changed all that."

Stewart then went on to recount his memory of watching Logan for the first time in public. He stated that the film was first screened at the Berlin Film Festival which was difficult for him to watch as he and co-star Hugh Jackman felt very emotional throughout the film.

"I found myself getting very emotional but I had to keep a hold of myself because we were sitting in the middle of this cinema. And then I saw Hugh's hand come up to his eye and wipe away a tear. I thought, 'Dammit, the bugger's crying. Oh, let it out, Patrick.' But we also both made the decision that we were saying goodbye to our characters as well. In that sense, it was not just the deaths of those two men in the franchise, but it was also goodbye to our part in them as well."

Logan went on to be a critical and commercial success. The film was also nominated at the Academy Awards in the Best Adapted Screenplay category.

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