Cervical Cancer Rises In Women Over 30 Years, Claims Study, Here Are Signs And Preventions
Cervical Cancer Rises In Women Over 30 Years, Claims Study, Here Are Signs And Preventions
HPV is a group of over 200 viruses, of which 14 high-risk types can cause several types of cancers, including cervical, anal and head and neck cancers.

The frequency of cervical cancer among women, who are in their early 30s, has increased dramatically, according to a study. The research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Cervical cancer is mostly related to human papillomavirus (HPV). Long-lasting infection with certain types of HPV is considered the main cause of cervical cancer. HPV is a common virus that passes from one person to another during intercourse.

As per the study, it is estimated that over 14,000 new cases will be diagnosed this year. And, more than 4,000 deaths will be attributed to cervical cancer. The researchers’ findings showed an increase in both localized and regional diseases. Notably, the incidence has increased for both squamous cell cervical carcinoma and cervical adenocarcinoma.

Cervical Cancer: Signs and Symptoms

Some signs and symptoms of cervical cancer include blood spots or light bleeding between or following periods, as well as bleeding after intercourse. When douching or pelvic examination increases vaginal discharge, or you experience pain during sexual intercourse, post-menopausal bleeding, and unexplained persistent pelvic or back pain, are also symptoms of cervical cancer. Some other signs include itching, burning sensation in the vagina, unexplained fatigue, frequent or urgent urination, as well as abdominal bloating.

Cervical Cancer: Preventive Measures

You can greatly reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer with regular screening tests. If discovered at an early stage, there are high chances of survival from it. Cervical cancer can also be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, like consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly and quitting smoking may. In addition, it is advised that one should avoid unhealthy sexual practices

Cervical cancer can strike anyone and at any age. But, one should be aware of the changes that occur in the body. Instead of ignoring it, report the abnormalities on an immediate basis.

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