University of Delhi’s Laxmibai College has decided to set0up a Yagyashala as a solution to the rising pollution in the country’s capital. The college has a site in the premises which is developed on the lines of a village named Gokul. In the premises of Gokul, the college is building a Yagyashala with the purpose of performing Yagyas on different occasions for “purifying air.”
The holistic site Gokul, where the Yagyashala is under construction, envisages a swing, a hut, a pond, and a temple. It also has an Eco Park, which was the first to be built on the campus premises. The Eco Park is home to many ducks and rabbits. The principal of Lakshmi Bai College, Pratyush Vatsala told The Indian Express that ‘Gokul’ connects students to the village culture and instills a sense of respect for villages in their hearts. Further, he said that the site is made for students to come and relax and forget all their worries. Therefore, they have named it ‘Go Cool’ in English.
The college is considering holding daily havanas. “It is known that performing yagna purifies the air. That is our ultimate aim,” added the principal.
She further talked about building a mechanism via which they will be able to research and study the effects of these Yagnas to improve the surrounding air quality. The college has been connecting with the rituals of Sanatan Dharma for a very long time. It holds regular chanting of Bhagavad Geeta and conducts Sundarkand Path every month. These programmes are open for every student, staff and other employees of the college.
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