Mental Health: 5 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Emotionally Exhausted In Life
Mental Health: 5 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Emotionally Exhausted In Life
If you have ever felt constantly drained, withdrawn, and/or detached, you might face this negative state.

It is nearly impossible to avoid stress in our day-to-day life. From work-related stressors to life throwing a curveball at us, the general unpredictability of situations can sometimes be hard to handle. Over time, if this stacks up, this can lead to a feeling of emotional exhaustion or burnout.

It can spill over into other areas of your life and is hence necessary to cope with. To find the solution, one needs to first discover why they are having this burnout. While significant life changes one after the other are pretty obvious causes, here are 5 other reasons you might be emotionally exhausted:

Demanding Jobs

Anyone who works in a job they dislike or at a workplace where they feel they lack control is likely to feel emotional exhaustion after a point. Other than that demanding jobs like healthcare professionals, security forces, social workers, and teachers who work long hours are also more prone to this problem.

Poor Self Care

People can often have a lifestyle that contributes to emotional exhaustion. This can be something as simple as not getting enough sleep and nutrition to working yourself to the point where there is no space for relaxation. Even if you are not in a demanding job, it is possible to work too much.

Lack Of Support System

Loneliness or a lack of a support system can make your emotional exhaustion worse. As social animals, humans thrive when they have close relationships, with whom they can share their feelings. These can include family and friends. When people lack that, it can lead to a feeling of alienation.

Monotonous Work Environment

Work-related emotional exhaustion is quite common. Some people thrive when their job is the right amount of spontaneous and challenging. A lack of it can lead to people feeling a loss of motivation and subsequent feeling of detachment from their work. Other work-related emotional exhaustion can be due to unclear or overly demanding job expectations.

Contribution Of Personality Traits

There are certain personality traits that can make you more susceptible to emotional exhaustion. This includes perfectionistic tendencies, pessimism towards self and the world, and the need to be in control. People who are high achievers are also likely to experience burnout.

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