Mohandas Pai Writes: Panchajanya Article Against Infosys Will Worry Indian Industry
Mohandas Pai Writes: Panchajanya Article Against Infosys Will Worry Indian Industry
There is a challenge with the I-T portal developed by Infosys but for a magazine to use this opportunity to abuse a company and call it anti-national is shocking.

The recent article in Panchajanya which makes extreme statements against Infosys is unacceptable and a result of narrow-mindedness that sees a conspiracy behind every shadow. The fact of the matter is that there is a challenge with the portal developed by Infosys. The matter has to be resolved and is in the process of being resolved. The portal is a very large complicated IT system which involves lakhs of users and complex transactions. Obviously, the portal suffers from deficiencies and the public has been inconvenienced because of the portal going live prematurely, resulting in glitches. Every large system anywhere in the world will have challenges like these of varying intensity.

But for a magazine to use this opportunity to abuse a company and call it anti-national and fomenting social dissent etc. is totally shocking and uncalled for. A magazine that seems to be affiliated to a particular organisation’s vichaar (views), which in turn is associated with the ruling alliance in the country, carries certain connotations, which may cause worry to industries in India. But as far as I am concerned, I would see this as an unnecessary, uncalled-for article by people with a narrow mindset, who have not made an objective assessment of the issue and tried seeing a conspiracy where none exists.

ALSO READ: Role of Infosys in India’s Development Crucial, ‘Panchajanya’ Not Mouthpiece of Sangh, Says RSS Amid Controversy

My personal view is that this government has done a tremendous amount of work for Indian industries and businesses, such as banning Chinese apps to create space in India’s digital territory so that Indian start-ups can benefit and they have benefitted; to create Aatmanirbhar policy for Indian businesses which suffered from bad policy; and to rein in the practice of China dumping cheap goods in India and hurting local Indian businesses. The last government did not take a tough stand on Chinese goods or ensured a level-playing field for Indian companies. This government has taken several steps to ensure a level-playing field for Indian businesses and industries. The PLI (production-linked incentive) scheme and several other such schemes have promoted Indian industries. This government also brought Indian industries into defence manufacturing, a truly Aatmanirbhar moment.

It is but natural for any country to try and protect its own industry. Even the United States, supposedly the freest economy in the world, has put in a lot of barriers to force its consumers to buy American and created conditions where other countries cannot compete freely, etc. This is a normal feature of global trade. Policy making is a continuous process and over a short span, the Indian industry has become globally competitive. This government has played a key role in that with reduction in interest rates, reduction in cost of capital, better logistics, better infrastructure. Against such confidence-building measures, unfair and uncalled-for, bordering on abusive, statements by a journal affiliated with the ideological fountainhead of the ruling alliance is bound to create dissonance in the Indian industry.

ALSO READ: RSS-Linked Journal Accuses IT Giant Infosys of Allying With ‘Naxals, Tukde-Tukde Gang’. Here’s Why

My personal view is that we must all stand up and condemn such statements, which make value judgments against one of India’s best companies. A company that has set standards for India and continues to do so. We must also make sure that we have deeper engagement with the government on policy matters so that the industry understands the expectations of the government and vice-versa. Indian industry needs a level-playing field to become more competitive globally and to create future jobs.

In closing, I would say that the article in Panchajanya is in extremely bad taste. We must be critical of it, but we must also carry on with our lives and work with the government to make better policies and help India grow.

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