Rising Ramaswamy: With Shades of Trump & Obama, Can this Indian-American Heat Up US Prez Race?
Rising Ramaswamy: With Shades of Trump & Obama, Can this Indian-American Heat Up US Prez Race?
Indian-origin Vivek Ramaswamy is often dubbed as "Trump 2.0" as he mirrors Donald Trump's unfiltered approach to politics, arguing against established norms and taking positions contrary to the traditional Republican playbook

Indian-origin Vivek Ramaswamy is fast emerging as a wild card in the 2024 GOP presidential race. All eyes are on how he will perform at the first Republican Primary debate on August 23. Donald Trump has so far declined to confirm his participation, but it is certain that Ramaswamy will come face-to-face with his nearest rival Ron De Santis.

Ramaswamy is often dubbed as “Trump 2.0” due to several striking similarities to the former President’s policies and style.

Ramaswamy mirrors Trump’s unfiltered approach to politics, arguing against established norms and taking positions contrary to the traditional Republican playbook.

However, Ramaswamy also brings his own flavour to campaigning, blending Trump’s style with eloquence and engagement. This has made him stand out as a unique figure in the Republican race.

With the third highest popular backing among Republicans, Ramaswamy is emerging as a potential challenger to De Santis who is at No.2 spot. In fact, the recent Fox News poll shows his popularity is in double digits. Ramaswamy has denied it, but he could end up being a potential running mate for Donald Trump (if the latter clinches the nomination).

Donald 2.0…

Ramaswamy has been lauded by the Republican electorate for taking Trump’s views. Recently, he backed an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden over alleged profiteering from the Ukraine war.

Ramaswamy has also been unabashedly defending Trump over the slew of cases filed against the latter. He had called Trump indictment a “national disaster”.

Ramaswamy has acknowledged that he shares a lot in common with Trump and their relationship is built on “mutual respect.”.

Here’s how Ramaswamy has used his ‘anti-Woke’ image to trumpet Trump’s favourite positions:

  1. Modern Monroe Doctrine: Ramaswamy recently unveiled his foreign policy and it was symbolically at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library. He made it clear that the US should shift away from “liberal hegemony” into a “Modern Monroe Doctrine.” It aims to focus on national interests and reduce US intervention in global conflicts, unless they directly impact American interests. This is a repackaged version of Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ policy.
  2. Ukraine & Russia: Ramaswamy has called for freezing the current lines of control in Ukraine and reopening economic relations with Russia. In return, he wants Russia to split away from China and reduce its military presence in the West. This is similar to Trump’s efforts to improve economic relations with Russia and strike a deal with Putin.
  3. Taiwan and China: Ramaswamy has been a strong advocate of putting America’s national “self-interest” first when it comes to Taiwan. Recently, he sparked controversy suggesting that the US should defend Taiwan only till it achieves semiconductor independence, giving a timeline till 2028. His views align with Trump’s approach towards China, especially concerning trade and regional dominance.
  4. Smaller Government: Ramaswamy has made some radical proposals which go one step further from Trump. For example, he has called for a 75% reduction in bureaucracy. To quote him from an interview: “Trump didn’t go far enough in pursuing his agenda. A Ramaswamy White House wouldn’t pick fights with the FBI director; it would abolish the FBI altogether.” Ramaswamy also wants to eradicate teachers’ unions.
  5. 2020 Election & Voting: While he had condemned the January 6 insurrection, Ramaswamy has been clear that he will pardon Trump if elected to office. He has proposed to raise the voting age to 25 or make a civic literacy test mandatory for voters.
  6. Immigration: Although the son of immigrants, Ramaswamy has been a strong critic of Biden’s immigration policy. He has vowed to complete Trump’s wall on the Mexico border, reinstate Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ police and has gone a step further, saying he will deploy the military to augment border security efforts.
  7. Drugs: Ramaswamy’s stance on the federal legalisation of cannabis is a departure from traditional Republican views. Similarly, Trump had also expressed support for states’ rights to determine cannabis policies.
  8. Climate Change: Trump’s administration had been skeptical on the issue of climate change, and had focused on deregulation and promoting fossil fuel industries. Similarly, Ramaswamy has pushed the same view that fossil fuels are necessary to unleash USA’s industrial potential. However, he has acknowledged that burning of these fuels impact the climate.


Ramaswamy engages in articulate discourse, emphasizing nuanced discussions over divisive rhetoric, like former US President Barack Obama.

  • His connect with the electorate and young voters is undisputable, as his rallies have garnered large crowds even in white dominated neighbourhoods. Recently, he was seen rapping on stage at a rally in Iowa.
  • A recent viral video shows him engaging in a logical argument with an LGBTQ+ voter, an example of how political discourse can happen without vitriol. Such gestures show Ramaswamy’s ability to connect with diverse audiences.
  • During a presidential town hall on the NewsNation channel, he fielded critical questions on topics ranging from immigration to health care and the economy.
  • When a young voter challenged him on Ukraine, he was seen articulating his position clearly while also listening to opposing views.
  • Moreover, Ramaswamy’s stance on certain policy matters, such as drug decriminalisation, reflects a progressive tilt, aligning more with progressive policies of the Democrats.
  • Like Obama, he has been quick to respond on humanitarian crises like the Hawaii wildfires, where he called out lapses by state officials.


Ramaswamy’s unique style has left seasoned politicians like Mike Pence trailing in the GOP nomination race. If elected, Ramaswamy would become the first Hindu US President. He has been unabashed about his heritage and spirituality.

He has argued that the US has “lost its spiritual centre, creating a God-shaped vacuum in the heart.” Ramaswamy’s campaign has many in the Indian American diaspora fired up. He has praised Prime Minister Modi as an “outstanding leader”, calling for more measures to improve India-US relations.

Ramaswamy is positioning himself as an insurgent candidate who appeals to Trump hard-core supporters, but more importantly he comes across as someone appealing to fence-sitters too.

His bold stances and willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue makes him a unique figure. Whether US voters back him or not, there’s no denying that Ramaswamy is carving out a distinct space for himself in US politics.

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