Opinion | Article 370 Verdict: Why Opposition Needs to Shed Hypocrisy, Articulate Clear Stand on Kashmir
Opinion | Article 370 Verdict: Why Opposition Needs to Shed Hypocrisy, Articulate Clear Stand on Kashmir
The Opposition’s success in the upcoming 2024 elections hinges on its ability to articulate a nuanced and forward-thinking approach to the Kashmir issue—one that reflects a commitment to national integration, socio-economic development and enduring peace

The Supreme Court’s landmark verdict affirming the abrogation of Article 370, spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, marks an irreversible shift in India’s political landscape. The decisive move in 2019 initiated a seismic transformation, and whether one stood in support or opposition, it’s undeniable that India’s politics, especially concerning Kashmir, has undergone a profound metamorphosis. For Kashmiris, this transcended mere political manoeuvring; it was about their lives, livelihoods, dignity, autonomy, development, the right to a peaceful existence, and the pursuit of self-reliance.

With the Supreme Court validating the Central government’s decision, the time has come to re-enter the political arena. While a significant portion of India supported the abrogation of Article 370, notable Opposition parties, particularly the Congress, held a contrary stance. Now, as Opposition parties unite under the banner of ‘I.N.D.I.A’ for the 2024 general elections, it becomes imperative for them to articulate a clear stance on crucial issues like Kashmir and Article 370 revocation. The onus is on the Opposition coalition to dispel ambiguity and define their goals transparently as they step into the political battleground.

Congress And Its Hypocrite Stand On Article 370

For decades, the Opposition has shamelessly wielded the Kashmir issue as a cynical pawn in their political chess game, manipulating the region’s emotional complexities, solely for electoral gains. Their duplicitous conduct, marked by a confrontational facade against the government, while indulging in shady backroom dealings, reeks of hypocrisy.

The Congress party’s 2014 alliance with the PDP, which effectively endorsed the repeal of Article 370, serves as an obvious example of double standards. However, in 2019, the BJP made a spectacular U-turn. Suddenly, the Congress donned the cloak of fierce Opposition, accusing the government of democratic erosion and alienating Kashmir. This opportunistic charade has shattered public trust and laid bare the Opposition’s callous disregard for the welfare of Kashmiris.

Their erratic and conflicting position has left the public befuddled, questioning the authenticity of their stance and branding them as insincere political opportunists.

Article 370, which granted special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir, has been a hotbed of political debate in India. What makes Congress’ position particularly baffling is their history of supporting this provision while they were in power. From emphasising the importance of preserving the unity of the country to highlighting the need to protect the rights and identity of the people in the region, their rhetoric screamed in favour of Article 370.

Congress leaders, in their speeches and public statements, championed the cause of Article 370, arguing that it was a necessary measure to maintain peace and stability in the troubled region. They argued that it provided a unique solution to the complex issues of Jammu and Kashmir, and any attempt to tamper with it would only lead to further unrest.

Different Positions of Opposition Political Parties

The aftermath of Article 370’s abrogation has laid bare the tumultuous landscape of Indian politics, exposing a tapestry of conflicting perspectives and ideological chasms.

Within the Samajwadi Party (SP), internal discord echoes loudly. Akhilesh Yadav’s tepid endorsement, ostensibly driven by potential economic benefits, contrasts sharply with Mulayam Singh Yadav’s initial criticism and concern over the impact on Kashmir’s autonomy. By endorsing the BJP’s position, Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) decided to depart early from the Opposition consensus. However, their subsequent alliance with I.N.D.I.A has diluted their critique.

The National Conference (NC), a vocal Kashmiri player, vehemently condemned the abrogation, interpreting it as an assault on the identity and autonomy of the region. Their consistent plea for restoration and dialogue exposes the profound anxieties within Kashmir.

Conversely, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) launched a vigorous opposition, denouncing the move as a blatant violation of democracy and the Constitution. Tejaswi Yadav’s vocal criticism highlighted human rights concerns. The People’s Democratic Party (PDP), once opposed, pivoted to a nuanced approach. While expressing apprehensions about long-term consequences, Mehbooba Mufti called for dialogue with the Kashmiri people. Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress (TMC) consistently castigated the abrogation, deeming it a “black day” for democracy and forewarning of potential violence and instability.

The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) condemned the abrogation, emphasising the need to respect Kashmiri sentiments and advocating a dialogue-based solution. MK Stalin criticised the government’s unilateral approach, demanding a more inclusive process. The Communist Party of India [Marxist] (CPIM) staunchly opposed the move, viewing it as an attack on the federal structure and insisting on a political solution respecting Kashmiri aspirations.

In essence, the varied responses underline the deep-seated ideological rifts within India’s political tapestry. Whether seen as a stride towards national integration or decried as an affront to democracy and Kashmiri autonomy, the challenge of reconciling these opposing perspectives looms large over the future of Kashmir and India.

Necessity of Articulating a Clear Stand on Kashmir

As the pivotal 2024 elections loom, the Opposition finds itself at a crossroads, demanding a definitive stance on the Kashmir issue that transcends mere rhetoric and embraces substantive solutions. The need of the hour is a strategic plan that not only acknowledges the ground reality in Kashmir but also comprehensively addresses the concerns of its people while emphasising integration with the rest of the nation.

First and foremost, the Opposition must shed any myopic lens and recognise that the abrogation of Article 370 was a crucial step toward breaking the shackles of violence and separatism that have marred the region for decades. By highlighting the positive aspects of this decision—potential economic development, improved governance, and equal rights for all citizens—the Opposition can shape a narrative that aligns with the broader national interest.

Moreover, the Opposition’s agenda should prioritise the genuine welfare of the people in Jammu and Kashmir over short-term political gains. A meticulously crafted plan addressing socio-economic challenges, including strategic investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and job creation, is essential. This approach aims to uplift the lives of Kashmiris, offering them better opportunities and a brighter future.

Furthermore, fostering unity and inclusivity within Jammu and Kashmir should be a cornerstone of the Opposition’s strategy. Actively promoting dialogue and engagement with all stakeholders, including the local population, becomes imperative. By building trust and bridging divides between different communities, the Opposition can pave the way for enduring peace and development. Embracing a spirit of brotherhood and inclusiveness not only aligns with democratic ideals but also lays the groundwork for a harmonious future in the region.

In essence, the Opposition’s success in the upcoming elections hinges on its ability to articulate a nuanced and forward-thinking approach to the Kashmir issue—one that reflects a commitment to national integration, socio-economic development, and enduring peace.

I.N.D.I.A Will Have To Accept Blunders of Nehru And Congress

Without acknowledging, there is no moving away from the betterment, and that is why if the Opposition wants to come clean on its stand on Kashmir, they will have to accept that the suffering of Kashmir has links with many mistakes and blunders of Jawaharlal Nehru.

In the haunting landscape of Kashmir’s present woes, the shadows of historical blunders cast by Jawaharlal Nehru and the Congress loom large, painting a grim portrait of enduring suffering. The seeds of discontent sown in the soil of these blunders have blossomed into the thorns that prickle the aspirations and peace of the Kashmiri people today.

Nehru’s strategic miscalculations, driven by a romanticised vision of secularism, led to the fateful Article 370—a ticking time bomb that would explode into perpetual unrest. The Congress, in its myopic pursuit of power, fuelled this disastrous narrative, turning a blind eye to the simmering discontent that would eventually erupt into the quagmire we witness today. The echoes of Nehru’s appeasement politics resonate through the decades, reverberating in the cries of a populace caught in the crossfire of separatism and militancy.

The special status granted to Kashmir, instead of fostering unity, nurtured a sense of alienation and otherness, perpetuating a cycle of violence that scars the region’s soul. The Congress, ensnared in its own political machinations, perpetuated this tragedy. Rather than rectifying the historical blunders, successive Congress governments clung to a flawed status quo, perpetuating a narrative of victimhood that only fuelled the flames of discontent.

Today, as Kashmir grapples with a complex web of insurgency, political turmoil, and human suffering, the root cause traces back to Nehru’s utopian vision and the Congress’ spineless complicity. The consequences of these historical blunders are etched in the tear-stained faces of the Kashmiri people, a poignant reminder of the betrayal they endured at the hands of those entrusted with their well-being. In the heart-wrenching tapestry of Kashmir’s agony, the historic blunders of Nehru and the Congress stand as an indelible stain, a painful reminder of the human cost of political myopia and misplaced idealism. The scars run deep, and only a reckoning with this bitter truth can pave the way for a future where Kashmir can breathe free from the shadows of the past.

Way Forward

The Opposition parties in India stand at a critical juncture, facing a litmus test that demands a radical departure from their entrenched hypocrisy as they navigate the complex terrain of the Kashmir issue in the run-up to the 2024 elections.

The recent resounding verdict from the Supreme Court, upholding the government’s decisive move to abrogate Article 370, has unequivocally quashed any lingering doubts of unconstitutionality. This watershed moment demands that the Opposition transcend its customary political opportunism, shifting its focus decisively towards championing the welfare of the people in Jammu and Kashmir.

To demonstrate a genuine commitment to the nation’s progress and win the trust of the electorate, the Opposition must rise above mere posturing and present a meticulously detailed plan that not only assuages the concerns of the region but also endeavours to foster an environment of unity and inclusivity. It is a pivotal juncture that demands the Opposition’s unequivocal dedication to forging a better, more prosperous future for Jammu and Kashmir—a commitment that must rise above the realm of empty rhetoric and translate into tangible action for the betterment of the nation as a whole.

The author, a columnist and research scholar, teaches journalism at St. Xavier’s College (autonomous), Kolkata. He tweets at @sayantan_gh. Views expressed in the above piece are personal and solely that of the author. They do not necessarily reflect News18’s views.

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