Samsung Most Trusted Brand, Apple in Top 5: Report
Samsung Most Trusted Brand, Apple in Top 5: Report
The top three brands retained their last year's position while Tata moved up a place, The Brand Trust Report 2018 said. US-based Apple took the fifth position, losing a spot from last year.

South Korean consumer durables firm Samsung continues to be the most trusted brand in the country followed by Sony and LG, while Tata Group, the only Indian company to feature in the top five, occupied the fourth slot, a report said. The top three brands retained their last year's position while Tata moved up a place, The Brand Trust Report 2018 said. US-based Apple took the fifth position, losing a spot from last year. PC maker Dell improved by two places to be placed sixth, while auto major Honda took the seventh position.

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Sportswear major Nike jumped 29 places to occupy the eighth spot, while PC maker Hewlett Packard and carmaker Maruti Suzuki were placed ninth and 10th, respectively. Chinese handset maker Oppo which was ranked 29 in 2017 occupied the 11th place in 2018, Puma climbed 32 places from last year to rank 12 in 2018. Auto firm BMW gained 30 places to take the 15th position, while Google entered the top 20 ranking for the first time, occupying the 18th position from 40 last year. Over 2,450 respondents participated in the survey conducted by TRA Research across 16 cities and its findings have been compiled in The Brand Trust Report 2018.

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Among India's 1,000 Most Trusted brands, the categories with the maximum brands were food and beverage and FMCG contributing to 25.6 percent of the total brands in the listings. When compared to last year, 320 new brands made it to the list, 368 brands fell in rank, 307 brands rose in rank, and five brands retained their ranks, it said. In the banking financial services and insurance sector, the country's largest lender State Bank of India emerged as the leader though it is placed 21 in the overall list, while Pepsi was the leader in food and beverage category, occupying the 44th place on the list. Patanjali leads the FMCG category and is placed 13th, improving two places from last year.

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