Samsung retains top position in global smartphone sales despite losing market share
Samsung retains top position in global smartphone sales despite losing market share
In all, Samsung sold 72 million smartphones during this period compared to 48 million for Apple.

According to Gartner, nearly 330 million smartphones were sold worldwide in the second quarter of 2015. Representing a 13.5% increase compared to the same period one year earlier, the numbers nevertheless reveal the slowest progression recorded since 2013.

Samsung remains the top-selling smartphone brand in the world between the months of April and June, despite having lost market share (21.9% against 26.2% in 2014) to Apple, which gained some ground (+2.4 points of market share) and Chinese manufacturers Huawei (+1.7 points) and Xiaomi (+0.6 points).

In all, Samsung sold 72 million smartphones during this period compared to 48 million for Apple. Huawei (25.8 million), Lenovo (16.4 million) and Xiaomi (16 million) complete the top five.

Regarding operating systems, Android and iOS together hold almost 95% of all smartphone sales. Google's operating system represents 82.2% of global smartphone sales (-1.6 points) against 14.6% for iOS (+2.4 points). Windows Phone and Blackberry are nowhere near the same figures with, respectively, 2.5% (-0.3 points) and 0.3% (-0.4 points) of the global market share.

All models combined (not only smartphones), Samsung has sold 88 million mobile phones across the globe in the second quarter, far ahead of Apple (48 million), Microsoft (27.6 million), Huawei (26.1 million) and LG (17.6 million).

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