30 Symbols of Kindness & Compassion
30 Symbols of Kindness & Compassion
From Ancient Greece and Rome to the far reaches of Asia, Europe, and America, every age, region, and culture has created symbols that depict kindness. We’ve gathered them all here so you can find the ones that speak to you.
Things You Should Know
  • Icons such as the heart, feather, shepherd’s staff, endless knot, and lotus flower represent kindness.
  • Deities including Buddha, Guan Yin, and Lord Krishna are known for their kindness and compassion.
  • Animals like the dove, deer, pelican, and raven are gentle, kind animals.


The heart is a universal symbol for love, kindness, and compassion. The heart icon represents the human heart and emotions and can be traced back to the Ice Age (10,000 B.C.E.), though the meaning wasn’t universal until the Middle Ages. Heart icons appear in cultures from Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Roman to modern European and American. In 2019, a group of Florida kindergarteners petitioned Congress to name an icon of a heart surrounded by a circle of arrows as the national symbol for kindness.

Shepherd’s Staff

A shepherd’s staff represents the care the shepherd shows their sheep. Often present in Christian teachings and literature, the shepherd shows tender loving care to the sheep they’re responsible for. The Lord is also often referred to as a shepherd, as He cares for and guides humans.


Soft, delicate feathers represent gentleness and kindness. Feathers are often associated with angels or birds, which are usually seen as holy or sacred.


Archangel Zadkiel, the angel of mercy, is depicted holding a dagger. While a dagger may not seem like an obvious symbol of kindness, it does represent the Archangel Zadkiel, who is known for being merciful, forgiving, and compassionate. He is mentioned in the Kabbalah (Judaism) as well as in the Holy Bible (Christianity).


Clementia, the Roman goddess of mercy, is depicted holding a scepter. Clementia is known for her forgiveness and mercy and the scepter became a symbol of this benevolent Roman goddess. In fact, the word “clementia” (or “clemency”) means “mercy.”

Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is a Buddhist and Hindu icon of purity and compassion. Though the lotus grows in muddy, murky water, it rises above and blossoms. This pretty flower represents the path from suffering to enlightenment. In particular, the red lotus symbolizes compassion.


Buddha is an icon of compassion and kindness. This religious figure represents enlightenment. Buddha’s teachings, or dharma, focus on the virtues of wisdom, generosity, patience, kindness, and compassion.

Endless Knot

The endless knot represents Buddha’s compassion and wisdom. Also called the infinity knot or endless knot, this symbol depicts the interconnectedness of life.


"Om" is a sacred syllable in the Tibetan Buddhism mantra of compassion. The mantra “Om mani padme hum” is a six-syllable mantra that represents the essence of dharma (or Buddhist teachings).


The parasol is a Buddhist symbol of compassion. This umbrella represents the protection, compassion, and refuge provided by the dharma.

Stupa Spire

The crown at the top of a stupa is associated with compassion. Stupas are monuments that are found throughout the world. In Buddhist culture, a stupa is often topped with a spire that represents Buddha, with a crown at the top.

Varada Mudra

This hand gesture represents compassion and charity. In Asian and Buddhist cultures, mudras are hand gestures with different meanings, and they’re often seen on statues or depictions of deities. The varada mudra is a symbol of granting boons and devotion to human salvation. Mudras are often used in prayer and meditation.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with kindness, compassion, and love. In Indian or Hindu traditions, it’s believed that the body contains 7 chakras, or energy centers. Also known as “Anahata,” the heart chakra is the 4th energy center in the body. Its fundamental qualities include pure, unconditional love, acceptance, altruism, empathy, and kindness.

Strength Tarot Card

The strength tarot card represents harmony, compassion, and kindness. This is the 9th major Arcana card in a tarot deck. Its meaning is deeper than just physical strength, though, and extends to collaboration, balance, bravery, and femininity.

Guan Yin

Guan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion in many Asian cultures. Guan Yin is a prevalent figure of mercy, love, compassion, and kindness in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. She is also known as the Buddhist deity Avalokitesvara.

Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna is a benevolent Indian deity. He is the 8th incarnation (or avatar) of Vishnu, the Hindu god. Lord Krishna is the god of love, tenderness, and compassion. He cares for and protects his worshippers.


In Ghana, the nteasee represents compassion and cooperation. This symbol urges people to show kindness to their neighbors and work together to achieve their goals.

Obaatan Awaamu

The obaatan awaamu is a West African symbol of compassion. This adinkra, or symbol, looks like a butterfly. It represents a mother’s embrace and the love, comfort, reassurance, and relaxation she provides.


The gebo is a Norse rune meaning “gift” that symbolizes generosity. It’s also associated with sacrifice, balance, honor, and altruism, as well as the Norse or Viking deity Odin.


The Hringhorni is a Norse ship that symbolizes kindness. This ship is the symbol of the son of Odin and Frigg, Baldur, who was the most beloved Aesir god. Baldur represents bravery, happiness, kindness, and light, and when he died, his body was placed in his ship, Hringhorni.

Koru Aihe

This Maori symbol of a dolphin represents harmony. Dolphins are kind, playful creatures. The Maori people believe they help sailors navigate the seas.

White Parrot

White parrots are the symbol of Guan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion. Most depictions of this Asian deity show her accompanied by this beautiful bird.


Doves represent kindness and gentleness in Native American cultures. In other regions, they’re symbolic of peace or love.


Deer are known for their gentle nature. These graceful, elegant animals represent kindness in the way they live in harmony with the world around them.


The pelican is a Christian symbol of kindness. This bird also represents compassion and sacrifice.


Manatees are associated with kindness and peace in Native American cultures. These large, gentle sea creatures remind us to be relaxed and peaceful. Their intelligence and gentleness urge people to avoid violence or hostility.


Elephants are gentle, compassionate creatures. Despite their size and strength, elephants are peaceful toward other animals. These majestic mammals represent wisdom and kindness.

Azure Dragon

The azure dragon is an East Asian symbol of compassion. It also represents harmony, healing, and growth.


English bluebells are flowers that represent kindness. Often called “fairy flowers,” these trumpet-like blossoms are beautiful to behold.


Anthurium is a tropical evergreen plant that symbolizes kindness. From its heart-shaped leaves to beautiful blooms, anthurium represents generosity and is a wonderful gift for a friend.

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