How to Play the Drinking Game "Land Mines"
How to Play the Drinking Game "Land Mines"
Land mines is one of the best drinking games and involves lots of beer chugging. Make sure you have a pretty big table to play at and you'll want four or more people. Be sure to have beer cans and not beer bottles or cups. We've outlined everything you need to know, so you'll be ready to play in no time!

Spin a quarter on the table.

The first player takes the quarter and spins it on the table. While the quarter is spinning, the player must then take a chug of beer with the same hand they spun the quarter with and then pick up the quarter before it stops spinning also with the same hand they drank their beer with. If you are caught using the wrong hand, then you must take a drink and redo your spin till you get it right.

Finish your beer.

Any beer that has been finished by a player at the table becomes their own "land mine". By using these empty beer cans, you can smash a person's quarter mid-spin causing them to have to down a good portion of their beer and restart their turn; not to mention that once that empty can is used, that empty beer can remains in the spot it was for the remainder of the game.

Avoid the beer cans as you spin.

If the quarter then hits any of the empty cans on the table, it becomes dead. The spinner must drink and respin. If the spinner is unsuccessful 3 times in a row, then they must pound a beer or take a shot and the quarter passes to the next person.

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