Open your Facebook page. Make sure that you are properly signed in. You should be at your profile or timeline.
Click the Settings button. This is located in the upper-right corner of the Facebook page, and looks like a gear. From the menu, select “Account Settings”.
Click the Apps option. This is located in the left-hand menu of the Settings page, towards the bottom of the list.
Browse through your connections. Once you’ve clicked “Apps” a list of all of the apps and websites that you have connected to your Facebook account will be displayed. You can adjust the individual settings for each app through this list.
Edit the permissions for a specific app. Click the “Edit” link to the right of the app or website that you want to change. A new list of options and settings will appear specific for that app. Depending on the app or site, you can change who can see posts, what data the app has access to, how notifications are handled, and more. You can delete individual permissions by clicking the “X” next to the entry. Click the “Close” link at the top of the box when you are finished.
Delete a connection with an app or site. If you want to completely sever the connection between your Facebook account and a certain app or site, click the “X” icon next to the “Edit” link for that app. You will receive a message stating that your connection will be cut. Click “Remove” to confirm. The app or site may still have old information stored about you that you previously shared. You will need to contact the company in charge of that app or site to try to remove that old information. When you delete a connection with a site, you may find that your ability to interact with that site is limited until you reactivate the connection.
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