How to Set up Your PlayStation 1
How to Set up Your PlayStation 1
PlayStation 1's are pretty darn old and rare and if you can get hold of one that still works, then you need to know how to set it up.

Get your PlayStation out of the box.

Place it next to the TV you would like to use.

Get hold of the three-way wire (red,white,yellow) and place the black side into the console.

Colour coordinate the colours so that the red wire goes in the red slot in the back or side of the TV (do the same with the white and the yellow).

Get the plug and put it into the wall.

Get the controller and plug that into the player 1 slot.

Then get the Memory Card and put that into the slot atop of the player 1 slot.

Turn on the TV and switch it to AV.

Place a disc onto the spindle.

Shut the case and turn the game on.

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