How to Stop Underarm Odor
How to Stop Underarm Odor
Underarm odor is natural, but it can be embarrassing. Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve or prevent it. By keeping yourself healthy, staying hydrated, regularly cleaning your underarms and clothes, and using the right products, you can make underarm odor a thing of the past.
Things You Should Know

Dilute 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup (237 mL) of water and wipe the mixture on your underarm to kill odor-causing bacteria. Or, apply witch hazel or white vinegar to your underarms with a cloth. This changes the pH of your skin slightly, inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Change Your Lifestyle

Shower daily. Make an effort to shower at least once each day, no matter how tired or busy you may be. Showering regularly is an excellent way to ensure that your body is fresh and clean throughout the day. If you wake up sweating after a hot night, hop in the shower; always shower after a long day of movement or, especially, exercise. You should never forget to shower after working out, or your bad body odor might build up. Use an antibacterial soap around your underarms and groin for the best results. After you shower, make sure to fully towel off, so you don't leave any moisture that invites bacteria onto your body.

Apply strong deodorants or antiperspirants to your underarms. Though deodorants don't stop sweating, they do mask the smell of bacteria on your skin. Antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, which is a chemical that does reduce sweating, and which also contains a deodorant. Apply the antiperspirant twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. If you think you need more than the average deodorant or antiperspirant, then check out products that say they are of a higher strength -- you don't need to go to a doctor to get these. If you've tried a stronger antiperspirant or deodorant and it's still not working, it may be time to see your doctor to get a prescription for an even stronger antiperspirant.

Wear natural-fiber clothing. Wearing clothes made of cotton, wool, or silk will make your body less likely to sweat because of the comfort and durability of the materials. And if you're working out, invest in a high-tech fabric that wicks the moisture off your body.

Change and wash your clothes often. If you wear the same t-shirt for three days, then yeah, your armpits may smell. Make sure to always wash your clothes after you wear them, and to avoid wearing the same article of clothing for two or more days in a row, no matter how comfortable it may be. And take extra care with your workout clothes -- dirty and moist workout clothes are a breeding ground for bacteria, so you should wash them after every single workout.

Try some relaxation techniques. People often sweat not because they are overexerting their bodies, but because they are overexerting their minds. Take whatever measures you can to relax and reduce stress, and your body, mind, and underarms will reap the benefits. Try doing yoga, meditating, or taking at least thirty minutes to wind down before you fall into bed. You can also relax by avoiding situations that you know will cause you stress. For example, if you're always stressed in the morning because you inevitably end up being late for work or school, wake up 15 minutes earlier to make your life easier.

Take Additional Measures

See a doctor. If you really have severe armpit odor and have tried every natural treatment you can to eliminate it, then it may be time to see a doctor. A doctor can not only prescribe a stronger antiperspirant and give you sound advice, but he can also discuss a number of more extreme options with you. Here are some treatments you can discuss: An outpatient surgical procedure called superficial liposuction curettage can remove your sweat glands by suctioning out subcutaneous through small cuts in your skin. Open surgery that can include cutting or shaving the subcutaneous tissue that may remove some of the skin along with it. This is riskier, but the results last longer.

Shave your armpits. Shaving your armpits will make it tougher for the bacteria in your armpits to find a cozy place to settle. If you're really committed to stopping underarm odor, shave your armpits every time you shower, or at least as often as you can.

Use a homemade hydrogen peroxide solution. Mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of water. Wet a washcloth with this solution and wipe it on the affected area. This should destroy some of the bacteria under your arms.

Avoid tobacco. Tobacco is another guilty pleasure that is known to cause body and underarm odor.

Apply witch hazel or white vinegar to your underarms. Use a washcloth to absorb the witch hazel or white vinegar and wipe down your armpits. This will change the pH of your skin so the bacteria can't grow.

Dust your armpits with cornstarch or baking soda. This will reduce the wetness under your arms, and will help repel bacteria.

Adjust Your Diet

Avoid a variety of foods. If you want to stop underarm odor, one easy trick is to avoid certain pungent foods or foods that are known to increase underarm odor. Here are some foods that you should avoid: Garlic Onions Fish Curry Hot peppers and other spicy foods Red meat

Reduce the amount of meat in your diet. Some studies have shown that eating meat can lead to unpleasant body odor. Rather than having meat-based meals, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables instead. the added fiber in your diet also helps clear out toxins and bacteria in your body that could lead to body odor.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages. You may love your morning coffee or have a few beers or glasses of wine throughout the week, but if you want to eliminate your underarm odor, then you should cut down on -- or even eliminate -- these beverages as soon as you can.

Stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water helps naturally cleanse your body and to keep you smelling fresh. Aim to drink at least 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water a day.

Eat foods that improve your body odor. Some foods that have been proved to improve your body odor include fruits, veggies, and whole grains. These foods can help improve your body's metabolic function, helping it to work more efficiently. Eating a healthy balanced diet will also help lower your body's stress levels, which may decrease the amount you sweat, and therefore will lower the number of bacteria that is attracted to your body. Take a wheatgrass supplement along with your meals. Chew on parsley, alfalfa, or other leafy greens after meals to help neutralize strong scents.

Eat chlorophyll-rich foods. Foods that are rich in chlorophyll, such as kale and spinach, have been recommended to help neutralize the smells of foods that cause underarm odor.

Add magnesium and zinc to your diet. You can add magnesium and zinc to your diet through vitamins, or by eating foods that are rich in these vitamins. Here are a few foods to try: Foods rich in magnesium: nuts and seeds, spinach, lentils, avocado, bananas, and figs Foods rich in zinc: pumpkin and squash seeds, dark chocolate, and peanuts

Maintain a more healthy diet. Studies show that if you are overweight, obese, or even just an unhealthy eater, you've placed more strain on your body, which makes movement more difficult and makes it easier for you to sweat, thereby attracting bacteria that can cause underarm odor. If you're overweight, it may be time to eat a more balanced diet to shed those pounds and eliminate that pesky underarm odor.

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